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the brotherhood of allah ?

July 18, 2017





the hour husbands? 



and what of its followers?

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  1. opheliart permalink

    And there’s this. I try not to say too much about it.. but it’ll get worse. How could it not with so many more demanding American culture? And how many of those are with larger families? I mean, these are real questions .. real consequences ..that have nothing to do with bigotry or prejudice. Facts, my friend.. what are the facts? Show the evidence, please.

    • opheliart permalink

      I should have put this under THE INCEPTION OF THE RUSE.

      Fear.. again, we see fear. Fear drives this political party into the dust. The Dem party is barely Democratic. Honestly, it really does not exist in true form. Any party that refuses (using lawyers) to prevent a candidate from running within its party is Fascist. Boy, how it loves control! Control-control-control. There is no Faith here.. no belief in a God of Truth. The more the Dems try to control the outcome, the more this party falls prey to its own desertion.. and destruction. It is already sabotaged by Leftist-Socialist-Marxist and even a smattering of Religio-Communist types.

      Seriously.. the Dems obsessive attacks and news sensationalizing is what put Trump in that political seat.. even more than those who voted for him. And it was the Dems radical, extreme bigotry and bullish and bullying manner that caused people to fear.. its political mastermind/manipulation. Many people, enough people.. just said no, no, no to the featured hypocritical brand calling itself Democracy. Good grief. And, of course, Trump showed his egotistical, unstable manner once in office.. which caused many voters disgust. Had a third party been permitted.. voice.. not shut out, shut down..

      attacked and lawyerly dismissed, where might we be today? Instead of this gross negligence and political religious meltdown?

      • opheliart permalink

        “They know not what they do”.. Do you think the Dems understand this? No. Because they lack Christian humility? Or should we simply say, because they lack Christly humility. Both brands of political hyper-sensitivity are satiated by “hate the other”. They hate the other so obsessively, they cannot see those that don’t fit into either camp. The CRT-ists don’t see the Black and Brown of the Republican Party… or the Independents and the Unaffiliated. The MAGA followers don’t see the Republicans who are also Christian who aren’t religious zealots refusing to use their religion as a bullwhip to score points. They both claim superiority, supremacy and insist they are the author of all things decent, righteous, proper and good..

        without seeing their own vindictive and pitchfork mantra of murder those who do not agree with their power performances. They know not what they do. They do not see their injustice and double standards. Think.. how easy it is for each to be so convinced of their righteousness. So very convinced they know everything and will destroy an entire country, send an entire country and possibly an entire World into the abyss merely to satisfy their egos.

        Wake up, not every one is as daft or as indoctrinated or as compromised by party illiteracy as they may think. Thank God. And.. the Atheist might say, God? What’s God got to do with it? If one believes God is Truth, one understands that Man does not know what he does. They know not what they do. Which brings us to the problem of war. Does the Atheist know how to stop the incessant demand for war among those ‘who know not what they do’? Or does he pinch his nose and vote bloodshed under this or that religious and political regime? If you don’t trust religion, don’t vote it into the White House. Don’t vote it in as your representative. Know your candidates and what they believe. This is not an anti-religious strategy .. just a way of saying, Let your yes be yes and your no be no. How many do you think are religious, belonging to a religious community that is actually for a religious run State (under its indoctrination guidelines)..but not sharing this while campaigning? Some things are easy to see.. if one is not ignorant of religious instrumentation.

        Maybe the sentence should be, “Know your enemy”?

  2. opheliart permalink

    The Dems under Biden and Co want to tax the rich$ and the wealthy without understanding that many of these folks contribute to society through Science, the Arts.. even Environment. Aren’t they already giving/contributing based on their “income”? I believe the businesses that operate in a risky manner such as in the form of high pollutants and chemicals in the ground and atmosphere, serious destruction of forest and wildlife habit .. taking more than they give back or destroying more than is feasible to renew ..

    should be charged a penalty based on the severity of the damage. We have enough evidence today to charge companies for these types of damages. And realize that this money should go toward education on poor practices, establishing laws that limit or remove these practices and of course, assist in helping to undo the damage. Understand, we all do damage so no one is free of blame.. but those making huge profits while destroying the environment and sickening people should be made to pay the penalties. This is justice under any normal situation. If a person deliberately cuts down your beautiful Dogwood tree because he wants more sun for his patio pool .. will have to face financial consequences.. and depending on the severity of the crime, possibly jail time. Why aren’t companies held to the same standards?

    • opheliart permalink

      A dogmatist “environmentalist” type in my area told me a year or so ago that honeybees were not in peril and that there’s plenty of honey bees. She said that the Monarch Butterfly should be the focus. This is Science, she yammered.

      What do you say to someone like this? I just looked at her like she’d lost sight of the Truth. Honey bees are absolutely in danger, and many with bee hives will tell you so. I personally know a bee keeper who knows other bee keepers who say their bees are dying, sick, weakened or gone. I know in one person’s case there’s been years of pesticides put on large swaths of land surrounding the hives. So yes, honey bees are in danger. Is the Monarch in danger..

      most insects are in danger. But ask me this.. if I had to choose which to keep and which to let go for this would be the only way to thrive.. I would say good-bye to the Monarch. Bees are higher pollinators for one, and two, what do honey bees provide for us?

      Please, take your own sweet time answering this question …

  3. opheliart permalink

    “The new document takes a step back from the opening toward LGBTQ Catholics ushered in by Pope Francis.”

    “The declaration, titled “Dignitas Infinita,” or “Infinite Dignity,” has been in the works at the Vatican for five years and went through several drafts and iterations before the final document was accepted by the Congregation for Doctrine of the Faith and by Pope Francis, whose approval gives it the weight of official doctrine.”


    So he hasn’t ushered in the opening toward LGBTQ Catholics? Why am I not surprised. This we have pointed out throughout Fran’s entire Papal career. He says one thing while doing another. He says one thing then does another. And.. we pointed out again and again that he is merely playing pop-up pope for some kind of emergency mission to bring bums into the pews and $$ into the hands of his clerics.. without following through with his “promises”. Just like a politician to say one thing then do another. Yes, he was and is the political puppet .. we said.

    This organization is not trustworthy. I understand that if you have doctrine and teaching that cannot be changed, you do not change it. Roman Catholicism was built on this religious precept. Regarding the sexes, this cannot be changed. And its doctrine and teaching regarding this applies only to a Man or a Woman. Catholics should know this if Catholic. Did they think they could walk into this institution and amend its laws? But who is sowing confusion on this matter? I think you know. And look at who is propping up this political puppet–using this Man for political supremacy to force some form of political narrative for those of us not Catholic. There’s the constant “Pope Fran says this-Pope Fran says that” in the news as if his belief and practice should alter our own beliefs and practices religious AND political. What’s HIS business to do with me? For one, he is a misogynist running a misogynistic institution. THIS HAS NOT CHANGED!

    Nothing’s changed. Nothing will change because Roman Catholicism is Roman Catholicism. If Catholics want something different, they should depart from this religion. And.. Catholics should stay out of politics and stop using its pope for political points. The Man has not changed. He changes nothing. The religion is dying. It will continue to die. End of story. Run Catholics——RUN!

    • opheliart permalink

      This is obviously a unique case, but I do have to ask, does the Roman Catholic Church treat this ‘body’ differently? This is a shared space with two heads.. two heads with two separate, capable, thinking brains (reminds me somewhat of the hierarchy and the laity–two separate parts). No disrespect to these two young Women.. What of religious interests? It is said that each is responsible for their side of the body and they must work together to accomplish tasks. What if one is Roman Catholic but the other is vehemently opposed to Roman Catholicism? What if one wants to be a priest but the other is opposed to Women’s ordination to the priesthood? Imagine what this was like for many years in Catholic countries where choice is limited. And what if one decides she is Trans and wishes to transition? How would religion or government address such a situation? This is important not because we should be privy to the personal decisions and lifestyle choices of these two Women but because a law for one is a law for all. And yet, not all fall under the same set of circumstances. What does my life have to do with those who are indoctrinated into a religion? Why must I pay into and support their religious perspectives?

      We, as a State, need to separate ourselves from religion for many reasons. And not just the right to exist. But, of course, if we do not exist, we have no rights.

      Which brings me to the topic of Misogyny. Why do we have a Roman Catholic president? Roman Catholicism is known to be a misogynistic religion. It denies equal rights and equal opportunities to Women (a participating, for real not imaginary under any circumstances, thinking, capable brain).. within its establishment. Do you think an Impartial God wants it this way? People blame Paul (Roman Catholicism cherry picks, of course.. which texts suit its religion) for the ban on Women’s ordination.. but it is clear this has been manipulated (like so many of the other texts).

      Government of Democracy should never engage in religious practice that denies half its population equal rights and opportunities. It should not be engaging with religions and religionists that deny Women equal rights and equal opportunities. These religious organizations should NEVER be given tax exempt status (actually, I do not believe any religion should but especially those who discriminate in this manner). Ours is a Catholic country with non Catholics forced to pay into and support religious exceptionalism, religious belief and religious practices. Why do I say this? We are slaves to a colonial rule. That colonial rule was set in motion by a religious regime. This regime falls under the title of Western Civilization.. that I call Western Construct. Is this our Democracy? Or has Democracy failed to provide its citizens the freedom to be truly free of religious exceptionalism? Again, we have a Roman Catholic president. And the Dems make it very clear to us non Catholics that he is devout. He pays into and supports an unjust RELIGIOUS institution, an institution that denies equal rights and equal opportunities.. and a religion with a history of violence, torture and murder. As one gnostic, I am concerned. And I feel abused by State because of its alliance with violent and unjust religions.

      I do exist even if you prop up a Roman Catholic pope to your religious and political podiums who calls me the evil one. What would your Roman Catholic president say about me.. one who is gnostic. You ain’t Gnostic .. You ain’t real! He told a Black Man that he was not Black .. just because that Black Man disagreed with him.. or questioned him on something. Joe Biden should have been removed from State representation for that comment. Who is propping him up .. and printing that he is capable of running this country?

      • opheliart permalink

        This ain’t going away. Biden put us squarely in the middle of this catastrophe by his position of siding with Netanyahu .. as a Zionist. And honestly, it is time to face reality. You pay into and support the military of another country for its war regimes, you get back the rewards. Violence breeds violence. There is no other way to say this. You reap what you sow. Biden went head first–dragging America with him–into allying MILITARILY with nation-state Israel; he can’t walk this back. There is no going back. Face the retched music of missiles, death and destruction. Islam is not about to back away. Its mission, like many political religious, is to boast SUPREMACY. Its founding cleric’s call was and is for Islam to become the World Order. Both political parties are doing their hardest to make this happen. I am vehemently opposed to being forced to pay for this bloodshed, and the senseless destruction of cities, towns, wildlife, environment..

        the crimes are immense. Have you no Conscience? Yes, Hamas is evil! It is an evil regime.. but do not underestimate its religious alliances, and the political parties that pander to Iran, and other Islamic ruled nations. American political businessmen made America a pigeon, a puppet for Islamic interests. Now, you must fight..

        to stay alive. Listen and listen close, we warned repeatedly. You deny this voice, and now you, your children and your grandchildren must suffer. It’s seriously stunning at times.. with all that your religious leaders, priests, pick-pocket pastors preached.. they or you or both together.. never got the message.. right. You may be leaving those religions but the damage is done. Your continued support for candidates that have their entire political careers.. engaged in war, and war-mongering ethics.. because they are of a WESTERN Catholic Construct .. has put you in the mire. You will know death and destruction. America is in for great sorrow.. again, but this time, it will be happening more frequently on American soil. And little do you know.. these machinations intensify the instability of your Youth. There will also be more shootings, more violent attacks by students in your schools.. and worse. It is a sad day when you have no where you can go to be safe. Imagine what this is like for the Palestinian Women and Children.

        You do it to yourselves. Why do you hate Truth so much?

  4. opheliart permalink

    I hope Reese is talking about Catholics only when he and his hierarchy use the word “all”. No non-Catholic should be held to anything these clerics believe. And no, they do NOT speak for God. And I find it of special interest that the word dignity is used repeatedly while Roman Catholicism does not offer Women the same religious dignity it offers Men. And..the same EQUAL rights and opportunities within its institution.

    Also, there’s the problem of colonization. Reese writes: However, “Dignitas infinita” repeats Francis’ concern that gender theory is “extremely dangerous since it cancels differences in its claim to make everyone equal.” It also leads to “instances of ideological colonization,” where the views of Europe and the United States are imposed on others.

    It is Roman Catholic ideological colonization that created the many problems people suffer under/from.. so, really, so much for all their talk of dignity. Gosh, do they really think people are that.. unintelligent?

    I am starting a book entitled UNDOING CONQUEST Ancient Israel, the Bible and the Future of Christianity by Kate Common. I know her .. and well, after listening to an interview with her on the Highland Settlement and the archeological finds (and various other), I believe it will be an interesting read (I read the Sample on Amazon too).

    I do not believe that an institution such as Roman Catholicism can be a credible voice in our times. It does NOT change. How does it view its past? Dogmatics (the Roman Catholic institution itself) actually believe that all their conquest (invasion of land and stealing of villages, villagers, forced indoctrination, slavery, inquisitions, abuse, torture and murder) was done by the State, and that Roman Catholicism itself did not commit the crimes. Can you believe they actually believe this? Junipero Serra, to use an example, invaded the Indigenous Peoples by bringing military. If he and his religion really believed in the dignity of others, why was he there in the first place? And why in Hell did he bring an army?! So much for Roman Catholic understanding of dignity. It’s just a bunch of words to try to hide the Truth.

    • opheliart permalink

      Think of the Indigenous Children forced to assimilate and talk Roman Catholic. All those graves.. stolen Children .. put into a Hell camp. And the Deaf Children abused sexually and otherwise at those schools run by priests and nuns. No cameras in those places. How does RELIGION and STATE be so sickeningly neglectful?

      If you put cameras on your buses, you do this for a reason. Look at the video footage daily to make sure kids are safe, and to make sure both students and adults are behaving properly and not bullying or beating others. And please, do a thorough vetting. I do wonder if this aid’s personality and character could have been detected by a thorough reviewing of previous jobs..and a few simple questions to determine inner motivation. We are always living in wicked and weird times.


      We want you to consider something.. “celibate only men running the show.” That’s just a start. Do you think it might be a good idea for all involved to question the reasoning behind such a requirement? Taking young Men and insisting they remain free of physical and sexual intimacy, and indoctrinating them to believe that they hold certain divine/Spiritual power and authority.. that no Woman is allowed or capable of holding.

      Does’t this cause you to think.. something is really off? Even if the only reason was that the Roman Catholic institution did not want to pay for a priest’s wife and kids (so much for family planning and family friendly teaching).. this requirement and the power the hierarchy taught (often by way of State resources and political power, control and influence) priests on up held.. is.. without question.. something suspect. It begs one to question and investigate.. morally, ethically.. and medically, scientifically, physiologically, psychologically and politically (as State was and is often involved). Our Democracy here in America does not want to ban these practices that have shown such immense system failure, dangerous practices .. not to mention, serious discrimination to the Female Race..

      and so it is in denial and failing its citizens. People like Joe Biden, in bed with Religion, pretends he isn’t paying into and supporting the injustice and dangerous and undermining religious practices? Let your yes be yes and your no be no! He is paying into it and supporting it.. the hypocrite. For shame.. He gives this religious institution his time and money on your dime. He does NOTHING for change because he is a Roman Catholic, and Roman Catholicism refuses to change or even admit its crimes and offenses on Humanity. And let’s be very clear here.. Roman Catholic hierarchy is very good at making someone else the scapegoat for its unjust doctrine and teaching. Christian nationalism is being blamed on the Protestant sects. The Protestant sects were few that boasted anti-abortion practices. And never held itself to such bastardly initiative.. so how has it become the bully and the one so demonized? Joe is being touted as a devout Roman Catholic. Does this make sense to you? If I knew an institution was abusing Children, and discriminating against the Female Race.. and forcing its religious demands on our society, especially with such a dire history of abuse and violence, conquest and empirical initiative.. I would not be a member of its cult. Do you vote for someone who is a member of White Supremacy for president? What of other authoritarian, dogmatic, unjust and extreme belief and practice? How do you know he or she or they isn’t secretly betraying you?

      The Republican Party today is merely a puppet for the Dogmatic religion calling itself The Church (under Roman Catholic CONQUEST and hierarchal colonizing ideology). Roman Catholicism is always using political initiative to get what it wants–always (Mussolini, one example). We see what this pope believes, and in no way does this look progressive or liberating. You deceive yourselves, People!

      Republican Party, you are a disgrace .. and you are Misogynistic. And you will pay the penalty for such behavior. Trump will die and your feckless Neo-nazi initiative will die with him. And Roman Catholics? You will be seen for exactly what you are. And the World will judge you.. and it will not be pretty. And trust me where I warn in this, judging by your own practices for such a very long time.. those capable of abuse and violence, injustice and hatred.. will seek to harm you. You will reap what YOU sowed! I can only warn. You see, your pope calls the gnostic the evil one..

      boy, is he wrong.

  5. opheliart permalink

    Buried deep in a lot of other news, I found this. One would think this would be – should be top headlines. It didn’t happen, thankfully, but the fact that he was planning to commit acts of violence and murder for his religious ideology is.. seriously alarming. There will be many more like him. Yes, things are heating up.

    Now.. if Mecurio is in custody and on trial for his INTENT to commit acts of violence, why isn’t the intent of these protesters being looked at in a similar way?

    DEATH to America is saying something substantial and shows a clear ideological interest. Death is death. Murdering America (to say it differently but with the same intent) is killing Americans. To say, ” Death to Western Democracy”, is showing a desire to remove a way of life, beliefs, practices .. both political and religious. It is a dislike of a system of belief and practice. This does not mean those saying it hate Americans. Those saying it may even be Americans .. and wish for something that was once an optimistic approach but is no longer optimistic. Look at our U.S. Government — a mess with nothing but obsessive fighting. It is disingenuous to say the least. Who doesn’t want something different? Something that actually works FOR the People, has the People in mind instead of career interest? means they do not approve of America’s system of practice. How one goes about removing it is another matter. Violence, forced indoctrination.. is not a good and proper way of removing it.

    Death to America is a signal to destroy American interest and American life. People make up that interest and that life IN AMERICA. We should not be trying to kill America; we should be trying to improve America (and not by forcing it to succumb to religious extremism of any tribe). As Americans, we are free (in some respects but certainly not all) to live as we believe. If I said death to misogynistic practices within religious and political institutions, would I be calling for death on those practicing this? No. There would be a removal of certain aspects of one’s belief system.. but not all its belief system. Its belief system would have to learn to live among equal rights and opportunities for the Female Sex as a way of life within a system of governance allowing respectful religious adherence .. or leave.

    If misogyny is considered/believed to be a form of religious and or political abuse, it should be banned. If a forced requirement for men to be celibate within a religious structure is considered a form of abuse, it should be banned. This is what I am getting at. What is considered abuse, dangerous.. not good or safe for our society? Protesters shouting Death to America — Death to the soil of Americans — is really calling for Death to Americans. Death to American freedom is also calling for Death to America, assuming we have certain freedoms. When does an ideology’s (an institution’s) doctrine and teaching lean heavily toward abuse and violence and become dangerous to those within it? And very often a danger to those outside of it (those not a member). Take the anti-abortion belief of the Roman Catholic.. how has this become a danger to Women and Girls throughout America?

    A forced initiative can be abuse of power and can be dangerous. And it can murder, incite murder.. violence on those practicing it. There are consequences within abusive ideological interests. A lack of certain freedoms (not related to violence and abuse) is – can be looked at – as abuse, and dangerous to those within it or involved with it. Clearly, the Female Race has suffered under the hierarchy of Male totalitarian regimes. Whether Islam or Roman Catholicism.. certain sects claiming Christianity or Orthodox Judaism.. a form of abusive indoctrination, belief and practice .. there are consequences. Someone, some group is paying a high/higher price. Women and Girls pay that price and so do Children raised in this Male dominated, totalitarian society. Children becoming adults behave in a manner mimicking their mentors, teachers.. and find ways to force their beliefs on those around them. Women and Girls suffer under the adult representation of misogynistic belief and practice. And do we ask how celibate priests in misogynistic religions view and treat Women and Girls? I would say that they have no clear view of respect and equal measure. And the fact that they are not sharing in a Female experience either through hierarchal positions and work relationships of equal rights and opportunities or through an intimate relationship as lovers, husbands and wives.. adds to the misguided system of belief and practice.

    Back to calling for Death to America…

    America is under Catholic rule (colonialism originating from ROMAN Catholic belief and practice rooted in conquest, a form of power seeking control and influence). I would not mind a removal of this ideological strain, but I certainly would not want a removal of Catholics. I would want Catholics to come to their senses, see the system of abuse, and leave Catholicism. This is seen as a choice. Allowing people to choose rather than forcing people through abuse and violence. Like.. a priest choosing to never marry or have intimate sexual relations with another. Choice is a greater good. So how does a movement go about getting people to believe and practice differently? Vote differently? If you look at the teachings of Christ, you see convincing ‘texts’ (theWritings).. inviting one to seek, ask.. challenge oneself to a higher manner of belief. This takes time but it also takes a certain Intellect. Spirituality is important to this Intellect. A Spiritual Maturity is required. As Paul says, as a child I spoke as a child..

    but it is not “man” (as in biological Male) that Paul is prioritizing. This is merely a lesson in growth that ordinary people can see. To speak in tongues of the Spirit, people are unfamiliar with the language. It is foreign to them, so.. child to man is the reference in seeding a new birth of Commonality. We might call it a new normal but its norm is related to something engaging Truth Philosophy… not violent insurrection. And not abuse-related ideological interests that undermine specific members/groups/races of society. And do know that if you are calling yourself one who follows Christ, you should know it is the East (Spiritual manifestation) that Christ endeavors us to seek, preach and prophesy.


    This brings me to touch on gender theory in regards to Trans folk. Personally, Spiritually .. I do not believe drugs and surgery are necessary to achieve a “female” personality. We are not all the same. There is no .. wear a dress and heels and you are a Woman rule in our society.. nor is there a .. remove the down below parts, grow some breasts maketh a Woman. If a Male says he is a Woman, he may be.. but he will never be Female. He may feel internally something of Femalehood, and would very much like to explore this feeling or sense.. and why shouldn’t he? He need not try to mimic something through difficult transition practices that are abusive. The “theory” behind this, I believe, is abusive. Just go thy way peacefully and see where it leads. Don’t let anyone tell you that you must “look” the part. What part is that exactly? We, the Female Race, are a diverse group. As creatures having physically evolved through a natural process .. mankind will continue this. No need to cut and paste. And no need to force others to conform to your belief and practice. This in itself is authoritarian, and abusive.. not to mention, Fascist.

    And why do I say he will never be Female? He was not born Female, and did not go through what most Females go through.. within the Female body. These are real experiences that should not be undermined or sold out as something other than what they are. These are Female-related experiences. No Male can say he knows these experiences. He may try to mimic through various means but we know this is not the real deal. Female is more than just what MAN says it is or should be. Female has yet to truly define herself.. as Female, and she now allows herself to be sabotaged once again by Males? This looks and feels very much like a repeat of what came before. It is Dark Ages stuff.. not progress.

    Bottom line here in case you missed the part about choice.. choose your “Feminine” side without destroying Female. Death to Female really should not be an option in a society claiming to be civilized.

    And no, I do not want an Islamic-ruled country in place of America.


    On the gender topic..

    So there’s information coming out that shows these ideological conquests as.. undermining, abusive and politically.. forced indoctrination? Well, agree to disagree, see your error, get off the members only squad and stop the attack.. especially on Females. I listened to part of a segment on NPR this morning about the Amherst, MA schools.. and their LGBTQand .. race-related issues. They’ve been in the news a lot for a number of years now. One being interviewed shared what a resident wrote about the situation:

    The Left is eating its own.

    I agree and have warned that this would be happening and that it was happening. They attack their own. As for the Harry Potter kids’ cast.. they grew up under a different set of ‘rules’ they thought they should follow, or felt they needed to follow to keep their careers, but maybe now they see that it is not so black and white. The Youth of every age fight their elders. They get older and often (not always) realize they were a bit too brash, biting and bullying. And that they were not as “right” as they thought they were. We’ve likely all gone through this to some degree. If they apologized to me, I would accept it.. without even having to completely agree. This is an ideological disagreement but I understand Rowling was attacked here and many things were said about her that just aren’t true. She was defending Females and I tend to agree with her on this. The TRUTH of the matter is that although I do believe LGBTQand pushed too hard, ousted too brutishly and embarrassingly bad, and defamed illegally to try to “get their way”.. in many cases.. a change was necessary regarding gender, differences and providing help for those who struggle in some way, and this includes being bullied.. and is why it is not wise to then turn around and bully back. One should not be forced to forgive in all cases; one should not be told to work and play together with those they strongly disagree with. Both sides.

    I am currently dealing with a couple of friends I played Pickleball with. Along with a couple of others, we were a group., and would share where-when to get-together. I even invited them to my house for food, fun and .. which never happened because of the disregard and the inconsideration by one in particular. He blatantly blew me off 3 times in order to play with another.. even after he had asked if we wanted to play and we agreed on a time. The third time occurred on a group feed. I hesitated and waited to see if anyone else would respond to his request to play. The others on the feed were not available .. so they said.. so this player and I decided on a time in the morning (but I was quietly waiting for him to cancel as he had done before). One who said she was out of town suddenly was available in the afternoon to play and so.. the guy, once again, blew me off. He said something had come up, and he arranged to meet with this other player in the afternoon without asking if I was free. And it was right there on that group feed. It could not have been more obvious. And these were supposed to be my friends. Wow, huh? The other 2 on that feed witnessed this.. which is important for what happens here on out. This was important to me. Whether they care or not, I do not know.. but I am in contact with both and we are making plans separately to get together to drill and play. I said nothing on that feed in response to what had occurred, and the 2 meeting in the afternoon never once asked if I could make it.. nor have they apologized. This is so off to me. It was rude, inconsiderate and downright poor.. poor in every way.. but at least, others in our group got to witness this.

    I was hurt, but went about my day and have a great group of new players I’ve been organizing for drills and games, friends who are considerate and appreciate me as a fellow player. It is sad to lose what you thought was the beginning of a friendship.. but who needs this kind of treatment? It’s not healthy. People like this are untrustworthy and unkind. I did nothing to cause either one to behave in such a fashion. Some people are just like that. You cannot change this except by not allowing it to continue .. to you. They lack something having to do with Conscience. I cannot do to another what these 2 did to me.. (not once but more than once). And to add, one of the 2 players has a sad habit of being condescending during play, and blames others. True partners recognize balls are missed.. and do not attempt to blame. Some are too highly strung and this shows a measure of insecurity. Will I forgive them? Will I play Pickleball with them again? I cannot play with the guy.. because I see his priorities and I do not agree with these. Playing with him will never be the same. The other? She needs to understand a few things about court play. If she’d rather play with a group of foul-mouthed guys who play psychological games not just on others but on her as well .. to diss her sisters..

    that’s her choice. I don’t need either one for game play.

    • opheliart permalink

      The comments are somewhat cruel. I think many believe because RFK jr is opposed to the Covid vaccine, they lump him in with some of the Trump people. Understand something here.. many people voting Republican, and even but not necessarily, voting for Trump, got the vaccine and would do it again. Unless..

      evidence came out that showed significant side effects of the vaccine. It’s still early.. all the info is not on the board.. yet. Should this information come out during this campaign, RFK jr will be in a much better position. Who knows? Is there information being withheld from the public to control the politics of this election? Maybe no one is looking at side effects because they don’t want to know. Who knows? I don’t know what you know or don’t know on this or who specifically the Biden Admin says is responsible for research in this field. It would be a very bad thing for this country (and the World) if the scientific medical field is intentionally ignoring the possibility of side effects from this vaccine and or the boosters. Wow, what a recipe for medical neglect that pushes America back.. to the ages of Darkness. Why not just slice your arm and let your blood drip out for a couple of hours to rid yourself of a disease :o.

      • opheliart permalink

        And yet those same environmentalists still vote for him. Why does Biden’s betrayal not surprise me? Because I saw it coming, and told y’all? Careerist politicians continue to lie, make promises they never intend to keep.. and people continue to vote them in? With Donald Trump? You know who and what he is so you know what you are getting. You don’t vote for him knowing. I knew what Biden was and I know what he is.. so no to both men. Hold them accountable or continue to be deceived. Rod (?) Hmm .. ;).. Rid yourselves of the blight.. once and for all.

  6. opheliart permalink

    Hmm .. yes, genuine. And yes, way more.. to know and understand about God.

    “Nor, as a monotheist, could I bring myself to use plural pronouns, even though a key Hebrew term for God (Elohim) is in the plural. For me, God could not be “they/them.” “

    Elohim by way of Christ in the 3 (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) Person addresses the “plurality” of Spiritual Essence. Both Jewish and Christian religious seem not to understand this Identity.. and I am perplexed as to why. Of course, there are many claiming to be Christian who hold to the idea that God is Male, Jesus is a Male son and the Holy Spirit is of some Masculine variation .. that they can’t seem to “handle” or ..

    control, or life would be quite different for all. But they won’t admit this, and neither do Jewish observants. Elohim is a ‘parent’ observation. God (Truth) is clearly so much more. Man hath never in all those many, many years .. seen God. Nor will he, she or they.. ever see God. This is not to discourage Godly entity.. or make God unreachable. Think of how one who is without the ability to see.. is so much more .. able to sense and know things without seeing. Ask a person without sight .. for I cannot share their great gifts of perception. We are asked to lose the image of Man in all his coats and trusses and physical allure and alliance to understand that God is Impartial and not born from the caste of misinterpretation. I see in dreams and visions and Communing because the World has me bored and embattled. I hold no dislike of people for I am quite social and enjoy good nature.. but woe to those who cheat me and lie to me and hurt me. I trust God to see to this..

    got it?

    • opheliart permalink

      U S A TODAY.. ..

      Thank you for this. She is silent for her own self-serving career. She is not for Americans and their families. One might say that she would watch America burn behind her closed door.. while guilty of insurrection practices. She is the Denialist.. but the rooster has crowed enough times that we know who and what she is, and it is time that she be removed from office.

      I think that any politician, even if their stance on nation-state Israel is not to support the war-mongering and not to pay for the military that has caused such devastation in Gaza, who does not speak up that these protesters should be held accountable for such language and intent.. should automatically be removed from office. They do not have America’s best interests in mind. It is clear, we are at war.. and stand to lose our freedoms along with our country.

      This is not nothing. This is huge. YOU will lose your life.. under these protesters and their intent. You will lose America and Americans. And no, I am vehemently opposed to sending money to nation-state Israel for military operations in its never-ending wars. I am not siding with war-mongering politics or religion. And is why I believe these DEATH TO AMERICA protesters are dangerous.. and speak violence. I believe Joe Biden should be removed from office for some of his statements, for getting us into this war.. among other things. A lot of it.. not good.

      She-they are a danger to our health and well-being here in America.

      • opheliart permalink

        I have been very outspoken about the hypocrisy, dishonesty, disingenuousness, deception and lack of accountability of the U.S. government (both parties). But I do not believe it is “the rottenest country on earth”. Malcom X should have left America for an Islamic-ruled nation. Only then would he experience human rights offenses .. and the injustice and brutality of political religious government in the most severe and unjust, cruel and oppressive. What civil rights do citizens of Islamic-ruled nations have? Ask Females. Ask those not Muslim. Heck, ask Muslims themselves. I do not believe any practicing Muslim of Islam can be a civil rights activist. There is no such thing. The religion itself runs contrary to EQUAL rights and opportunities, freedom of speech and much more.

        How is it possible in this day that people do not know these things and continue to hold up Islam and its extremist ideology as some kind of.. savior? If America were to become an Islamic-ruled nation, even American Muslims would be crying out for deliverance.

        Take care what you pay into and support. Be very aware of what you are asking for.


        One thing I find so hard to comprehend is the fact that people who are so angry and upset about people dying in Palestine actually want execution and death to their opposition. They don’t hate violence; they use violence to satisfy their own interests. Another fact that is alarmingly contradictory is that they blame nation-state Israel for oppression, occupation, injustice and the like while their own religion is all of this. How do they not see their own political religious oppression? They trust an extremist organization like Hamas, capable of horrible atrocities? It just doesn’t make any sense. But those who are never free .. never see their own splinters.

        I get that people are hyper upset right now. I am upset. I believe nation-state Israel is guilty of war crimes.. but come on, this young lady is calling for a bloodbath. Not good. What she does not comprehend is that she will get hurt or even murdered in the midst of her own violent retaliatory efforts. I really don’t like the religions engaged in these affairs. I don’t They are nothing but war-mongering tribes claiming religious exceptionalism. They want their religions in charge, their followers protected.. and yada-yada, but what Hamas did they did knowing full well would cause death to civilians. HAMAS used and is using civilians for its political religious regime. Hamas does not care about the Palestinian people.. women and children. Hamas is evil. Who does not see this.. will suffer horrible outcomes .. from Hamas-elected policy… from trusting Hamas. Sadly, horribly.. it is already upon them. Please don’t bring this horror on America.

        Biden will be in serious hot water for placing Americans in the crossfires of these two militant religious… monsters.

  7. opheliart permalink

    Ah, here we go.. THE OPINIONS .. neither expert nor honest. Damage control in this article for sure ..because most sane Americans did not agree with “Death to America” and found it.. dangerous.

    It’s too late. The cat is out of the bag. There will be war, and Islam, no matter which opinion of its prophet is being promoted for religious exceptionalism, will be seen exactly for what it is. Let’s start with torture and murder.. and there is also.. the MISOGYNY. Hmm.. and we are expected to embrace this? Surely, you must be from another era…

    as in the Dark Ages.

    • opheliart permalink

      Speaking of torture and murder, and misogynistic religion.. he sows confusion in an attempt to please all.. but he is secretly playing God (Holy Father?) within his dogmatic institution.

      Lib-leftists put Fran on a podium from the start, making much about nothing. He never intended to change anything. He was merely trying to please his coffers due to the increase in empty pews and shuttered churches. Like most politicians, he would say things to please the crowds, crowds who never bother to read between the lines (not following the words closely). They sensationalize “who am I to judge” and other statements made by this pope.. in an attempt to make it a reality for themselves. But it is not a reality. He is judging. It (magisterium) is both ruler and judge. Which is something Roman Catholicism is good at.. in a bad way. But it it is still make-believe.. just like its doctrine. The only real thing about it is that it cannot change. If it does change due to specific bans on religious practice (particularly pertaining to Females), and because the political climate is gearing up once again to blame some group..

      there may be a departure from the Dogmatic. And this, my friends, is the sign that Roman Catholicism is dead. Roman Catholicism is no more. There have been signs along the way..

      SLAVERY for one.

      When the head is severed from the body, as it will be, and Women enter into those seminaries.. Roman Catholicism is no more. It cannot be of two [talking] heads.. even if its members engage in discord for too many years to count. In an effort to try to look credible, it will take the plunge.. and oh what an LGBTQand religion it will be 😉 (even more than it already is.. Lesbian nuns, men dressing up as Women and 60% or more Homosexual priests? huh). Now there’s a reality worth writing about.


      He is being forced to save face?

      “Those opposed to gender-affirming care must follow the example of Pope Francis and welcome and love the transgender people in their communities. Experiencing discrimination and isolation only makes matters worse.”

      Not only is Reese part of the I don’t know club, he is part of the Denialist Club. To Welcome and love Females and LGBTQand .. within an institution where jobs, credibility and worth have significant value .. is to allow equal rights and opportunity. Reese, in his Jesuit make-believe, still pretends pope Fran is real, with real words–words that institute change.

      It will be State that makes Roman Catholics either flee to the Orthodox Christian Churches or leave altogether. Either way, the Roman Catholic Church sinks.

      • opheliart permalink

        Please understand something important here.. I don’t care either way. Orthodox Christianity will have its Day.. for a Day, and then it, too, will sink. The egresses are already filling up. The only problem is ‘where’ to go–how to go. And the same for those without a religion. Religion directs and or guides. Without it, State is a monarchy. Remember.. right arm..left arm? Armless is not an option or there will be a desert of ignorance.. in the sense that Society needs a guide. Its diverse industry and mixed credential/gender trouble its own priority.

        What’s any of it to do with me? Spiritually, I lack nothing. God (Truth) as guide, I am..

        But the purpose of one’s existence in this World is here or there. As a person not anti religion and a member of the State (a citizen of an ideology known as We the People), I look to the East. The East beckons a more Spirit-Enlightened creation. If this means Man loses himself.. it means Man loses himself. This, Man fears greatly. Big religions like Islam, Judaism, Roman Catholicism and any other growing in size and model..fear losing power and control, and have no direction without this. Belief is not a singular temple for these religions. Belief is bound in warped ecclesial devotion. It has no place but its own craven image.

        But I am.. of purpose. amidst the sea of sensationalized artillery, I am.. seeing. You will be at war with yourselves (Man). I liken this to a suicidal tendency toward.. provocation. Like scratching the itch until it bleeds.

  8. opheliart permalink

    Hmm.. consider ‘experience’ in writing a novel. For some, it is what makes a story believable (real life). If fantasy, the imagination speaks for itself.. AND COMING OUT AT THE RIGHT TIME.. is instrumental (example: LOTR by Tolkien) And do remember, it is often a lie to get to a Truth. But even in fantasy, research and a proper depiction of something or someone is important even if that something or someone is radically changed. One could, however.. have a person in a fantasy story be a person whose poverty makes him rich$, creating a World where wealth is seen as the poor and the undereducated or uneducated and not classy enough or trendy or respectable or even… honest (I cannot help but think of the circumstances during the French Revolution).

    Oh.. are we headed that way? 😮

    *At least she was honest about her husband’s acting though ..was she not? 😉

    And to further add, we could then turn the tables on those who write these reviews, and we could say these are fantasy.

    Truly, I think it comes down to “the eye of the beholder”.. often based on his understanding. No doubt there will be plenty of people who like Peltz Beckham’s film because they like the idea of the rich and famous in stories they can relate to. This has been Hollywood’s mission all along.. with the exception of a few. But do understand, just because someone is good at his job (acting), and makes a lot of money doing it, does not make him unbelievable. He often gets chosen for roles because he can “transform” and become a character so very different from his own life (I think of Meryl Streep in DOUBT). And many actors go through rigorous research, practice and study, to perform their parts. I think where people get annoyed with rich and famous folks is when (where?) they involve themselves in areas of politics, and use their fame and fortune to help certain figures get into positions of power, to help move the political needle to something they prefer. This seems unfair or unjust because.. so many of the people who see their movies or read their books are the very ones keeping those actors famous. It looks very much like the actors betray their own audience. Or maybe, like so many politicians, they do not really know their audience or care much about them. Or they are just favoring one over another to build themselves a certain platform.

    13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

    Small gate. I think of it as a narrow gate but.. whatever. The point is one must be true to his Faith in terms of trial and trust. If you look to please an audience and rely on them to make you successful/a success in your field (in various ways), you should not then turn on them and shout and shut them out. You may say that you can’t pick your people but your people can pick you, and you must accept the consequence of this model as you agreed to its tenure. Politicians are so daft in understanding their purpose as they steal taxpayers dollars for their own.. political interests.

    • opheliart permalink

      On the topic of the rich$ and famous.. (Bezos is rich$ and she is famous for a constructed bust?). This shows the Biden follower mentality. It’s not saying a whole heck of a lot. I know people, intelligent .. smart folks.. who absolutely think this kind of distracting attire is degrading to Women. Really, this is not showing Female in a respectable light. Dem’s, once again, showing they don’t care about the real issues in society. This is one of their “attractions”? Is this a “fake” fashion show? What is the point of the dinner?

      Yep, this shows once again that the Dem party is all show and no go.

      • opheliart permalink

        Fake busts all around.


        Letters to the Editor. Los Angeles

        To the editor: Your article on why citizens do not credit President Biden for improving the economy missed the most obvious explanation.

        More than half of us make less than the average U.S. income, but all of us pay almost 20% more in prices and sales taxes than we did before Biden’s presidency. And those wage gains the article mentioned come with higher income tax rates that take away part of the gain.

        As for post-pandemic job creation, no, Biden didn’t do that. We got our jobs back because the pandemic ended and life got back to normal, albeit with the highest inflation in 40 years.

        Rex Malott, Woodland Hills

    • opheliart permalink

      If this is truly a minor (teen), why are they showing his photo and sharing his name? I guess MD does not do as CA and other States? Also, as much as I think it was appropriate for whoever was working with this teen to report his thoughts due to the violent intent, these are thoughts.. and it appears there is no evidence of weapons in his possession. This is a very slippery slope. Can you imagine if persons working in mental health were to report CONFIDENTIAL information on people? At what point do these “experts” decide .. on their own (?) that they can share this information with authorities ..and others? Any information?

      Consider this… a writer, script or novelist, and a film producer and director have the ideation.. to write/film violent stories–fantasies of violence/a fascination with violence–that they are permitted to feed the public, especially vulnerable youth, and the many mentally ill that (as one commenter says).. “are out there”.. are these to be taken into custody by authorities? I often wonder about people like Tarantino .. and his love of violence in his work, and so very many others. Why aren’t these people reported for violent fantasies they create in their minds?

      I see major lawsuits .. yep.

  9. opheliart permalink

    Two war-mongering tribes taking the entire education system down a rabbit hole? What of those non Muslim and non Zionist/non Jewish? Why must these students be subjected to either political religious paranoia and cultish ideology? Why does everything nowadays have to be only about a specific group’s desires and demands.. and everyone else is caught in the crossfires?

    Personally, I believe there should be specific rules regarding valedictorians. The religious and or political disturbances should not be a distraction to talking about uniting.. of peoples.. for the good of the economy and the health and well-being of all AMERICAN citizenry. If religion cannot keep its big head from overshadowing what most of us understand as

    a UNITED state (as in THE United States) then its members/followers should be denied these opportunities. IOW, keep your religion to yourself. And if your politics are overshadowed by your religious fervor, you are not a good candidate to be valedictorian. You speak in the language of your religious exceptionalism and the politics that frame this. What has any of this to do with me or any other not of your ideological religious..

    identity? Good grief! Enough with this religious exceptionalism! I am weary of these war-mongering religious sects! Is this to be our future? Bowing to Muslim or Zionist favoritism?

    What hath our universities come to? People claim free speech while financing religion? Religion that favors dogmatic interest and misogynistic ideal. Islam is not American if America is a Democracy. And why are we being forced to pay into and support war-mongering ethnic nobility? I may be Jewish but so what?

    • opheliart permalink

      Religious Jews practiced the stoning of women as part of their authoritative customs. What do Muslims practice besides beheadings and beatings? Imagine if America became like Iran or Pakistan. What would become of our Females? Ritualistic SACRIFICE is never a good in society claiming Humanity. We are not Human if we are dedicated to ritualistic ignorance.

      I truly believe there should be BANS on certain misogynistic practice. This is an affront to Humanity! Who-what in this Day believes Female should be denied certain freedoms or should be subservient to a male-dominated class? Stone Age ethic.. if one can call it ethical (not). Why is it that big, fat, ABUSE OF POWER political parties favor misogynistic religion? It’s alarmingly cultish and societally deviant! It is rotten. It is ignorance pedestaled for political religious idolatry.. merely for votes to gain power and control. It is a disease that is desperately trying to cultivate growth, but is IN REALITY.. inhuman. How does one use ignorance as a mainstay for Human Decency? What hath Light to do with Darkness?

      The time is coming where religions of this sort will be called out and viewed as inhuman.

      INHUMAN: lacking human qualities of compassion and mercy; cruel and barbaric.

      Beware, beware, beware.. of those that deny you the right and the ability to speak the Truth. If you are attacked for saying that you find this or that religion oppressive, inhuman and misogynistic.. a danger to society (please take note of who-what is at war).. or that you flat out dislike a religion (for good reason) .. you are in peril. You are very close to the destruction of a free-thinking society.

      This is a warning. Ask yourselves which political party is setting the stage for religious autonomy. Of course we know Trump is using a racist form of christianity for his political gain. The Left built him into an icon. A brand of political industry. Lib-Left idiocy sourced this cultish mania. And now.. look what the Left is into. ISLAM. Islam! Misogynistic Islam! A male-dominate dogmatic.. ritualistic.. ideology with heavy, HEAVY political leanings. Trump is a one “hit” wonder.. whereas Islam is a storm beyond your ability to control its people. These are religious zealots who believe their prophet is god. Say boo about their prophet and you are on their hit list. What haven’t you been paying attention to? Of course not all those practicing Islam in our society are religious zealots and many would not wish to infiltrate society with religious claims but America is in the middle of Islamic war-mongering with many NATIONS invested in religious political unrest, and that religion is Islam. And.. those who are not zealots .. out of fear.. side with their religious autonomy. Look at Palestinians and Hamas. Need we say more? Wake up and smell that rotting corpse.

      Please, for the future of Humanity, do not play these war games.

      • opheliart permalink

        Again, politicians not taking care of their own. And one should always question why religions do not take care of their own. Why are citizens of a country forced to pay for incoming when their own situations are dire? It’s really a recipe for disaster. In many cases, the unrest and economic meltdown is due to religion manhandling the State or the State abusing power by using religion. Consider this… Females who are not permitted to actively achieve their higher potential to HELP a floundering economy or to have say in religious unrest ..


        Do you think that what I write is harsh? Put yourselves in the shoes of those suffering under dogmatic, misogynistic religion. I mean, seriously oppressive religion where it uses State to accomplish its ritualistic ignorance. Are these practices not offensive to you? I hear what you say about Donald Trump. You are harsh. You love harshness and live by this ethic. Your battles, bloodshed, military interests and all that war.. are signs of your belief. So why do you take offense at these words of Truth? Even your religious texts were and are harsh, and used for bullying and battling those you oppose–those you disagree with. I only point out the obvious. Are you so in denial that you won’t admit the obvious? If you truly love your brother, your sister.. your neighbor .. don’t play with fire in houses of hay.. and don’t play with religion if you refuse to know its.. interest. These people believe in something YOU CANNOT SEE.. and they demand that you bow to this? That you respect what does not respect you?

  10. opheliart permalink

    I am quite intrigued by many of these old buildings. I could tell you why but it would take many pages. I think the inside of St Vincent de Paul (photo) is quite beautiful. The windows are pleasant..not garish as some are often overdone. It is a shame that people are losing their ‘face’. Did I not say that the face of Christianity will change as will the landscape of religion? But, you see, some things don’t grow. Or they grow absurdly.. and have been horrendously of an abusive stature. It would be a shame to see this building used for something not in keeping with a faith vital to one Spiritual interest. Shoo away the priests and bishops and tell the pope to go packing; his day is done, but can’t this building be leased for something more than office space?

    The religious clerics are more or less falling..out of favor.. for many reasons. This could be a Spiritual Arts Community that does NOT have a misogynistic warlord as a savior/messenger/prophet.

    • opheliart permalink

      A religious war.. ongoing. Reps who condone deadly attacks. What does Christianity say in all of this? What face does it show in the midst of such turmoil? When (not if) America is in a full blown war with Iran and its allies, what will Christianity say? Which side will it stand with or will it stand alone?

      Due to the number of Muslims in our communities, will we walk streets at risk? Which side will the Muslims stand with? These are critical questions. America is put into a position (due to derelict politicians) to be forced to make a call. There can be no pretend religious interfaith. If blood is boiling and beginning to spill already, and DEATH TO AMERICA chants are ringing out to take the place of those Islamic prayer calls (that no one should be forced to hear).. what do you think is coming? And how will America address it?

      Which side will you take? Will you allow your sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters to fight in these religious wars, and lose their lives? What for exactly? Freedom? We had freedom .. and we were hoping for more freedom with better understanding. Who got us into this.. dangerous situation? And what of the economy in all this? What strings has Iran and its allies been pulling to weaken American Intellect? You see, oppress your own people, drive them to the point of desperation.. to drive them clear out of their own country.. to cause instability and unrest in other countries. Clever is the snake of Islamic .. industry.

      Ah, some fair better than others? Some Islamic countries not so bad? Would you want this in America? The reality is.. there are Islamic countries that hate America and wish America harm. And let’s face..this.. TRUTHFULLY; Muhammad’s mission, and the mission of those who are bound to Muhammad in religious political ideal.. want Islamic World Order. This was-is.. his-their goal. What don’t you understand about this? I take it seriously..why don’t you? Please understand, I do not wish for Muslims of any sect to be harmed, injured or killed. I do not want America to engage in war. I also do not want to be forced to bow to any religion’s requests. Which means, I want my CONTINUED freedom to speak the Truth. If you take this away from America, because you fear a religion, a religion and its mission for the World, and or its hatred of you and your ways..

      you will lose your faith, your rights and your freedoms. Who more than anyone stands to lose the most in these religious quests of conquer? Female. I am Female. You may not like what I say or how I say it because I am Female, but you will be on the losing end in time for not addressing these realities. If you say you believe-are a believer in God/Truth–and ignore the warnings, align/yoke with disbelief, it will be you who will have to answer for what is done to the little one..

      and those who do not desire war, and the reckless outcomes of these war-mongering religious scribes. I want Peace (Understanding). You want religious rights even if these rights serve hypocrisy instead of Truth, deception instead of Light, abuse and degradation instead of Justice? Hmm..

      We should not be entertaining any group/religious institution/party that uses misogynists (misogynistic practice) for votes. You know not what you do..people. Please admit your arrogance and your ignorance. DO NOT VOTE IN CANDIDATES WHO ALIGN WITH IGNORANCE AND INJUSTICE.. of any political party.

      • opheliart permalink

        Many of the comments are spot on. Why be in America if you hate America’s way of doing things? If you hate American sentiment, why be here? You come in, bring in your religion, and you demand your religion take the place of another religion’s interest? OR.. basic American interest? It’s one thing to remind Congress that State should not be favoring a religion, it’s quite another to destroy certain freedoms within a nation in order to make your religion the ruling class.


        Certain religions are “designed” to gain power and control. The hierarchal industry threatens perspective rights and turns our freedoms into slot machines. It’s all or nothing depending on who is in charge. If the increasing Socialist Party once known as the Democratic Party is in charge, Islam will have its way. If it’s the Republican Party (Trump or no Trump), it’ll be Jewish and Zionist retention. If it is a desire for Jewish or Zionist industry to take hold, let it be in its home state.. not in America. And certainly let’s not allow Islam to man the hierarchal chain of command here in America. But it is the way of certain ideological groups. This is how they are designed.

        What does one say to such tribal dispute ? Woe to those who inflict harm on the little ones? Anyone would be hard-pressed to argue on the side of Islamic exceptionalism within this country while so many Islamic-ruled countries exist. And a number of them exist to destroy American ethic! Who in his right mind is pushing for Islamic-religious autonomy in America? Not me.. that’s for sure. And to be fair (as God is and should be impartial), I do not desire any religion to be favored by the State and to be given the lion’s share of anything.. but especially if it houses misogynistic practice.

        We see where Roman Catholicism is headed. It is a dying religion. Of course, in its effort to keep itself from death, it tries to force itself on the citizenry of these States by political party initiative. The “Catholic” Left tries to force a Socialist-Marxist command on the people of this country by its implosion of immigrants .. that it nor its opponent can carry.. along with the existing that it has not been able to carry. It overloads the colt donkey with so much burden, the colt collapses. Pinned under the weight of institutionalized ignorance, it’s dead before it barely learned its steps. And the Roman Catholic Right tries to regain control by is attempt to control Female.. by demonizing her choice. By demonizing her. She does not exist in true form under a Roman Catholic Republican reform. I do not like to see babies aborted but must we endure this again? Religion determining what should and will be of our lives? If religion had not made Female the burden by its demeaning and derelict belief and practice, she would be wiser to the element of purpose within her sphere of understanding. She would be held in a higher regard.. and not cult-cured.

        So now.. the Left wants Islamic justice.. for all? Or would this be Catholic-Islamic justice? One cannot put these two into the same title for justice does not exist under the helm of male domination.. state or religion. It is a lopsided weight that staggers the senses. And the Right is demoralizing in much the same manner by using its plague of resistance. Are you not weary of this sensationalist divide that pulls so severely inward, it collapses the Soul. Implosion is immense.

        So how does one stop this? Begin by stopping the misogyny. This puts both political parties in place, and prevents the doxology of dissent.

  11. opheliart permalink

    Obviously, this is a critical concern for any city or town. Having people living on the streets, under bridges or in parks is dangerous, unhealthy, unsafe and unsanitary. Where do people go to the bathroom? What do they do with their waste? What if they get sick (Covid or some other highly contagious disease)? They are put at risk and they put others at risk. So what can these cities and towns do?

    First, from what I read, many of the homeless in this situation have mental health issues and many are drug addicts. This is a very serious concern for the residents. If these are few in number, it can more easily be managed through one organization per area (city or town). This organization can raise the funds necessary to get these folks off the streets and out of the parks and put in a secure environment to help them deal with their addictions and their mental health problems. And government can assist but not in a way that burdens the taxpayer or causes even more homelessness. Also, if a state is allowing any form of recreation that contributes to homelessness, such as casinos, those casinos should be taxed accordingly. One might even look at each homeless person’s bio and determine why this person ended up homeless. What if we could see primarily what caused the homelessness of each individual and hold a person or group responsible? Sure, people make choices that have consequences but .. if you know through credible research that something is addictive.. such as painkillers, and over prescribing.. gambling.. shouldn’t there be some consequence for these persons, institutions and organizations? What of recreational marijuana? One can’t simply say, oh, it’s the government’s fault for allowing it and take taxpayer dollars .. by increasing taxes .. to justify the need or the desire. Many taxpayers are not pot users. Why should they be paying for any fall out? I am sure a lot of residents would rather have other means of income and draw within their communities.

    The homeless don’t want to be put somewhere safer? Of course there are drug addicts who don’t want to stop drug use. They are addicted. Some mentally ill folks don’t trust mental health facilities or caretaker housing. I can understand why; I just watched a video not 30 minutes ago that showed a caretaker abusing an elderly person in a wheelchair. Do we have cameras in all of our public health sectors? Retail stores have cameras .. but do understand a person’s need for privacy. Maybe each vulnerable person should have a guardian to see that people are not being abused, and not abusing themselves. People find themselves alone.. lonely.. fearful. Life can be hard, ruthless for some. No elderly person should be without a guardian like no child should be without a parent or guardian. Maybe each willing household can make a pact with other households to share in the responsibility of the vulnerable. Frightened, alone and lonely people need to know they can trust someone. But if you have a massive influx of illegal immigrants.. you are really taking steps backward. You are swamped, overwhelmed. You overlook those right under your nose.

    So what do we do? And what do we do if the homeless numbers are high and rising? In America, we are seeing this. Each state should be seeing to these folks. And I believe that if there are laws/rules for streets, parks and other public places, the homeless should not be abusing these places. There’s good reason for why there are rules…. right? First, let’s address an important part in this problem..

    They have no where to go. Well, some do and won’t go. If it’s a law that they should not be where they are as they are then they must go somewhere. Give them a choice of a prison-type containment (safe and secure without violent types) or a mental health facility that will help them address their addictions and their other mental health problems. Either way, it keeps them from the addiction but especially, it keeps them from being harmed and harming others. What else can you do? But it must be a law that they go somewhere. For those that are determined to be without the finances to afford proper housing, there should be no issue regarding their desire to go somewhere. They would want to get off the streets. The organization set up to assist in this should be assisting, and the state should be assisting in making affordable housing available and finding jobs that pay enough for a reasonable lifestyle. And states should be looking closely at their population and how people are living. Loving thy neighbor isn’t allowing the homeless to remain homeless or for the elderly to be ignored and often abused. At least that is what I believe.

  12. opheliart permalink

    I keep reading that this is anti-Semitic, and yet, Jews for Peace are pro-Palestinian, and the protesters have stated that this is not anti-Jew but anti-Zionist. I do think this needs clarification.. primarily by the Jewish people. Even though semites are not all Jewish.. right? Or so I’ve read. But how many identities can one be? A Semite or a Jew? A Jew or a Zionist? A Zionist or a Semite? Some are observant Jews who believe G-D promised the land to them. Some are Atheist Jews who do not believe in G-D so there is no reason the land should belong to them? Wow, complicated indeed.

    And there are the Palestinians.. mostly Muslim, adherents of Islam. Or should we just call them Islamists? Sunni and Shia are at great odds but both support Islamic Palestine?

    The Joe Biden admin fears losing votes and displeasing its voter base so it sends weak messages like Biden’s comment. It doesn’t say anything. What about the Palestinians? Explain what you mean by that statement Mr Biden!

    One major point this country is missing is that this is a religious war. A certain type of Jew (in numbers) believes the land belongs to him based on religious texts. He fights to keep that land. This is the colonizer’s epic feat: WIN THE WAR. Roman officials in league with Roman Catholicism did much the same. Who was ousted if they did not agree? Who was attacked, maimed, tortured and murdered .. for differing? (in case you don’t know religious history.. Gnostics were attacked and hunted along with others). If one did not bow to the pope of Rome, had other religious beliefs and practices, one was hunted and created to be the sworn enemy. This practice is opposite of what Christ represents. The ongoing saga of religious authoritarianism is a real problem. Now.. I understand the Palestinian people were given an offer 3 separate times and turned it down. Why? What about each offer was inconsistent with what the Palestinians believe? All or nothing? Both camps believe they have the right to that land based on their prophet’s ideological .. interests?

    Sigh. Americans are drawn into war. I understand the need to make it known that an endless attack on an area of people where men, women and children are dying is and should not be paid for by the American Taxpayer. This is unconscionable. Our government is Fascist in its rally to defend nation-state Israel. Get this if nothing else..

    if you provide military means (weapons and or money for weapons) to attack and destroy an enemy.. that you know, and you do know, is attacking and killing women and children who are without question at the mercy of these military machines primarily owned and operated (under the hierarchy) of men .. you are guilty of the suffering and death. I see why people of any age and religious or political interest might be upset, and letting their voices be heard. But understand too that Hamas in cahoots with Iran and other Islamic military prowess know what they are doing. They are using the Palestinian people for this war. Even the effort to make lives so miserable to usher in a mass exodus into Western democratic countries is Islamic strategy to INFILTRATE and dominate. This is Islamic World order… mission control and command. I view Islam at its core as an evil enemy, but certainly not all Muslims. People are at the mercy of these war machines, and I view any war-mongering tribe religious or political or both as yoking with disbelief of Truth (God). War is war. I do not believe God commands us to murder. THOU SHALT NOT KILL.. mean anything to these folks? Seems not. Innocent people.. children suffer and die! Are these not our most vulnerable, our littlest? And those not actively – willingly .. part if these regimes?

    You reap what you sow? So what about the Palestinian people Mr Biden? Finish your statement. Allegiance to Hamas is a dangerous prospect. It has consequences. I guess Islam does not teach this in its misogynistic, authoritarian, dogmatic, war-mongering, oppressive .. dialect. America should stay out of this conflict and not favor either religion. What’s the matter with America?

    • opheliart permalink

      This should not be problematic for students not involved in this fight–not wanting to be involved in this fight. Parents and students pay big bucks for these schools. Who is undermining the education of those not invested in this war? Ah, but our U.S. government has forced all Americans to pay for these wars. We are investing in war whether we agree or not. The Dem Left wants us to pay for military might in the Ukraine and the Republican Right and some Dem Lefts want us to pay for military might in nation-State Israel. Both sides are guilty of undemocratic-like governance.. simply known and understood as ABUSE OF POWER..

      unless Democracy is actually a wolf in sheep’s clothing. One cannot be of a diverse religious interest and side one way or the other in this. America is teeming with its own critical problems.. why add a massive war into these? Ah, but some religious caliphate want this and created some of these problems to weaken our economy and to incite unrest and divide. This is often the pinnacle of Political Religious strategy. Remember who-what wants World Dominance .. World Order under its prophet’s name and gain.

      One must be as innocent as the dove but as wise as the serpent. Sadly, Democracy in the U.S. is neither.

  13. opheliart permalink

    Islam and the Female Race? We all know what this means. The fact that Females are allowed to engage with these doctors in this area demonstrates that Islam IN WESTERN CULTURE is subject to change.. but is no longer Islam. This is what Islamic Culture (within Islamic ruled countries) does NOT want. Islam .. in order to be Islam.. in order to serve its prophet Muhammad.. must have the Female Race subservient to the Male Race..within Islamic customs which are governed by its State. There is no Islam without the Islamic image of Muhammad, and Muhammad (the man to emulate) married children, had sex with children, enslaved Female and taught oppression and subservience. And he married many Females. White-washing Islam is like the white-wash of Roman Catholic doctrine and teaching. It cannot officially be changed .. or it is not Roman Catholicism.

    Islam will die.. just like Roman Catholicism is doing. Western Culture is a threat to both. If Islam cannot live as it does in countries like Pakistan, it cannot survive as Islam. Its prophet dies with it. And Islamic principle cannot have that so it will go to war.. until its end day. These wars are religious wars, People.

    Pretending that Muhammad was something other than what he was is a lie. He was a child rapist and he was an abuser, as well as a misogynist. Christ does not exist within this religious example. Therefore, a Christ Believing individual cannot yoke with the unbeliever .. such as Muhammad, and his followers. Yoking is something critical to Spiritual Health and Well-being. And this can be physical.. as we are subject to the whims and will of Religion and State. If State forces a Religion on you, you are oppressed. If State forces you to bow to, pay into or support a Religion in any way.. silencing you, attacking you, chastising you.. for speaking the Truth about Religion and for not being willing to respect what does not respect you.. this is ABUSE OF POWER. If State is forcing you to act as if Islam is a peaceful religion and that you must accept its followers as if they are not of a misogynistic religion created by a man who enslaved Female and taught misogynistic principles, you are being abused. Your rights are being denied. State favors a religion over your right to safety and security. State is guilty. Politicians within State are guilty of abuse that endangers and denies.

    Sure, ladies, speak all you want to inform Females of their rights in this country.. within a the culture that is TEACHING MUSLIMS about the opportunities to be free from Islamic oppression under Muhammad’s example and direction..

    and admit that without America Muslims would be under Religious oppression and denied these opportunities to be free–free from the enslavement of a dogmatic and misogynistic religion. No one truly educated about Islam believes Islam is without misogynistic principles. FEMALES ARE SECOND CLASS TO MALES .. always. To state otherwise is a lie. But please, enjoy American cultural ethic while you can..

    enjoy this FREEDOM, but do not ever expect that the Spiritually Intelligent and honest folk will view Islam differently from what it is. And when America is at war with your Islamic educators .. remember what it was like to have this freedom.

    Understand something critical in this Day.. Islam does not want their Women and Girls educated within American ideology. Islam is playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse. By infiltrating America with Islam, it hopes it will encourage radical activism. And it is.. just look at the universities today. By using Hamas in that horrific attack on Oct 7th, using the Palestinian people in such an atrocious manner, it is TELLING THE WORLD who and what it really is. It wants DOMINATION and cannot have its adherents diluting its initiative. It will go to war with America and American principle, and much of it is the result of Dem_left policy and an unwillingness to admit the realities of Islam and its system of misogyny and war. Yes, many of your children and grandchildren will die at the hand of Islam.

    *And do note that these ladies used for this article DO NOT SHARE with you the exact words from the Quran that teach admission and the Female right to religious and political and personal freedom. Everything-everything-EVERYTHING in the Quran is written under the rule of Male Superiority and Male Domination. Female exists to serve Men.. in every way. No matter her age.

    RPns is disingenuous in its “instruction”. It wants an Islam caliphate in this country because it receives funding for its (RNS) ability to exist.. but it won’t exist if Islam wins religious principle because.. Islam does not exist in its true form without State! RPns is like a pharmaceutical company in its use of people and high-priced sales to stay afloat and to keep itself in business.

    • opheliart permalink

      I haven’t read The Telegraph in a while. Although I pretty much disagree with the current Republican Party on many things, especially their altruistic religion, I do not trust Islam or the Left.

      One question most civil people are asking is.. Are these Women holding signs for a Palestinian State aware that Islamic controlled States (and there are quite a few) do not embrace equality and equal opportunity for Women? Women and Girls are to be under the authority of Males. And ask how LGBTQand folk are treated in Islamic controlled States.

      Something seriously wrong in this picture? Yes, absolutely. Alarmingly wrong. And the Dem-Left wants this to usurp current Democracy in America? One cannot trust this undignified disguise. I am opposed to what nation-State Israel is doing in Gaza, but I am no idiot when it comes to the parlor room tricks of the Left. But if it is a revolution they want.. a revolution they will get. And this will show without a doubt the insanity of the intersection of religion and politics today.

      • opheliart permalink

        Where have we seen or heard of this before? One might say.. hey, isn’t this a type of Nazi regime? Look at history. Mankind’s been doing this since well before the Holocaust. It did not start with the Holocaust. If you believe the story of Jesus, and what took place…who killed Jesus and his disciples? If you don’t believe this story.. look at Roman Catholicism hunting down gnostics and others. And on throughout the history of Religion and State. It’s Man’s way of ridding himself of those he opposes by murdering them.

        And hey, look at the religious customs of certain groups. What about the Jews stoning Women who the Men say were adulterous? They would go after her as a group, a bunch of Men believing they are without sin, throwing rocks at her until her head is crushed in. Can you imagine such a thing? Look at the war lords of Africa, the mafias in most countries.. such a heinous way of immobilizing and silencing and punishing others. And it feels that it revolves and repeats. Are we not back to this same awful means of retaliation and or demonization? Look what Hamas did to the Women and Girls on Oct 7.. rape and murder. And look what nation-State Israel is doing to the Palestinians and others in Gaza. Shootings, bombings..

        Man and his might.

      • opheliart permalink

        So they sing songs and pray for peace? And this is Christian Nationalism? I’ve gotta say, I am no Trump supporter (NEVER will be).. but this group (Trump followers or not) is not demonstrating violence even if they support nation-State Israel. At least, not on [their soil] ..right? A few more positive notes: They held it outside the gates, no sleepovers and resisting arrest.. so no cost to the Taxpayer.. no chants of Death to America and Kill Zionists. Some might hold their nose and vote…

  14. opheliart permalink

    Allow me to share on something fairly Jewish. Jews stay close to family and are very much family “instituted”. Read this as you will, just know that it is not meant to be derogatory. And there is fairly sound reason for why .. some are this way (Something like the Holocaust can never go away–it’s like the flu; it’s here to stay). I won’t go into specifics but when “an enemy” does what Hamas did.. to YOUR family.. well, it’s no surprise that you will go to great lengths as a family member of Jewish ideology to.. take matters into your own hands. And when you have an entire nation-State to back you and… other nations to back you ..financially.. you do what you do. Agree or disagree.. it is Mankind’s manner and way of living.

    This is not to single out this group or that group but all groups. But I do understand the fear and the anger. Hamas is a legion–a terrible, horrible.. sick.. entity. Believe in what god you believe in but what god directs anyone or any group to do what Hamas did? And yet, I absolutely hate what nation-State Israel is doing in Gaza. I know Jews who are sickened by this, but they still insist on their Jewish identity. Okay, but where does this go… from here.. after so much death and destruction in this war? The Jews will pay a hefty price should Americans end up in a war. This reminds me of the Vietnam War. Exactly, why were we there? Hm..



    22 hours ago

    It’s as if Palestinian Christians do not exist in the eyes of some Christians. It’s as if most churches here do not know the history of how a modern state was formed by a secular military project which drove out the inhabitants of the land. Why do Christians here eagerly conflate a secular political entity with God’s covenant people, but refuse to listen when the living Jewish diaspora worldwide speaks up against it? A growing number of faithful Jews around the world do not see themselves or their Jewish faith interwoven with the secular ethnostate and have rejected the violence of Israel’s settler-colonial project as a modern-day golden calf. Does blind support of the third-largest military in the world without examination of their unjust or unethical actions sound like Godly wisdom?Reply




    I agree.. to a point. There are a large number of Jews who are opposed to what is said in the comment by km, and a large number who agree. But understand that Jews are Jews and this comes directly from a religious ideology. The Jew is connected to a religious tribe. Jews that depart from this.. are they Jewish? We’ve asked this question before: Will the real Jew please stand. Are you a Jew if you are opposed to the ‘state’ of Israel as a “Jewish” nation? This is simply put. You can’t be all and everything and still claim to be a minority. A minority of what? And can you claim to be an observant Jew if you oppose “that promised land” as the Jew’s? One can certainly disagree with the manner of retaliation, war, even the translation of Jewish identity .. but please, do not burden everyone else with contradiction and confusion. Christian Nationalists or whatever you call them side with the Jewish State. This is clearly understood as the Jew having descended from a specific tribe of learning (doctrine, teaching, practice..). Not all good, I can tell you. And no one else Jewish or not should be forced to believe, practice pay into and support this religious identity. Until you separate certain Jews from the idea of a Jewish origin of religion (a religious god), you are infighting and clearly unable to settle these major quarrels in a safe and civil manner. Kicking against the goads .. as this is known.

    So what of the Highland Settlement “jew” up in the mountains that left the Egyptian rule? Might these be the Chosen? And where are these people today? Hm..

  15. opheliart permalink

    I see a lot of protesters wearing keffiyehs (headdresses that have become a symbol of Palestinian solidarity) and masks. One might think this is a religious political takeover by Islamic extremists.. or it may be a way to confuse the viewers, reporters and law enforcement. Honestly though, I am not clear on their intent. Islam is not a people friendly religion. It is also a misogynistic religion. It is a male dominant and dogmatic religion. What’s the attraction to the Youth? Are they only opposed to war in Gaza and American Taxpayers funding this or are they attempting to overrule a way of life for another way of life, one that is religious.. through insurrection? For clearly, this is insurrection. Whether a group forcefully takes over a government building or a university using political and or religious intent.. it is INSURRECTION. So why has it gotten to this point, and why are universities allowing it? It clearly interferes with all students’ ability to get around, learn, study, and make use of what they pay for at these schools of education. It also puts students at risk.

    Why are we not seeing the same effort to end this that we saw during the capitol protest/riot? I am reading and seeing evidence of forced entry, harassment, intimidation, physical altercation.. and OCCUPATION in violation of campus rules and laws. This is a threat to every student’s life on campus. Students should not be expected to hole up in their dorms, lock their doors and pray no one starts firing weapons and throwing bombs.

    I do see a very serious contradiction in the way Dem_Left policy operates. For shame….–and-will-they-get-it-202701787.html

  16. opheliart permalink

    15 years of crime. It’s just a matter of time before it catches up with you. Sadly, people lost their lives. It does no good to allow a person such a lengthy life of crime. People loose their lives. Including the shooter. Really awful things happen. It is better for these people to be behind bars (in a controlled, contained environment) from the first arrest that involves violence or a string of crimes. These crimes grow in severity. At least, for the most part, in prison.. if the prison has decent programs .. there is hope, and a possible change of lifestyle, but very importantly, it keeps them from doing harm to those outside the prison.

    I am somewhat confused on this, however.. if they knew he had a gun, how did so many get ambushed? And my gosh.. look at that house!

    • opheliart permalink

      Meanwhile, realities play out in the lives and communities of American Taxpayers. Rent is on the rise in residential and commercial spaces. Everything costs more. Safety is an issue online and in your neighborhoods. Schools are failing. Schools overspent and now are in trouble. Many more religious and political groups demand power, and some are showing themselves to be violent in the effort to gain that power. Dem-Left says the answer is cannabis and psychedelics, spend more money and abuse power politically and religiously. Give Islam America and demonize those who disagree, including their own voters. The Right wants a political savior who will pedestal religious interests, promote nation-state Israel over American identity (although this is very soon to change).. and punish Women for exercising their right to equal rights and opportunity. Men can screw a nation full of Women but Women must bear the brunt of this indecency. And, of course, Dem-Left is fully on board intimating Islam’s misogynistic ideal.

      No wonder America is unraveling.

      • opheliart permalink

        Hmm .. Fox News.. let’s see what else is out there. Dem_Left won’t be sharing in this but there must be someone else who is willing to expose .. a reality.

        When it gets to this level and with the consistency of appearance, there is usually someone or some group with $$ to make this happen. This type of violent protest is a burden to the Taxpayer. Even so-called peaceful protests that stop traffic, interfere with a child’s schooling, not to mention, safety.. blocking roads and walkways.. inciting the more extreme .. targeting a person or group.. is mob ID, a threat to civility and common decency. And those behind it should be held accountable as much as those actively/physically participating in it. Which brings us to Taxpayer dollars going to nation-State Israel and other countries to escalate and support violence—to support war. Hold Biden accountable. Hold all those forcing American Taxpayers to pay for bloodshed.. accountable. The Biden admin, and government in general, should be focusing on the needs and serious concerns of AMERICA, AMERICAN CITIZENS and the Taxpaying families of this country. No president should be catering to–pandering to war-mongering, and unrest and religious infighting elsewhere. Common sense should dictate..

        reason here.

  17. opheliart permalink

    If.. IF.. they are indeed students. If students, they should be able to go to the cafeteria on campus (unless closed due to protesters).. like any other student. If not a student ..then no food or water as they are not paying for it.

    Does this PhD student lack sense and reason? This is telling.. something significant about the Left’s Socialist-Marxist-Communist values and why they believe the American Taxpayer should pay for illegal immigration and other illegal activities. They are somewhat clueless on personal accountability and responsibility. I wonder.. has everything been handed to her .. no matter what she does? Or doesn’t do?

      • opheliart permalink

        So a loss of free speech? What are we to make of this? Those senators swore an oath to uphold the Constitution. I believe one should be held accountable if calling for death to someone or some group due to political, religious or ethnic views, but I think this anti-semitic bill adds to the fractures. It’s not a good look for the Jew.

        The law is the law at a place like a university. Those who break those laws in a threatening and dangerous way (like those protesters who forced their way in and occupied part of the university building and caused havoc and a serious disruption to the students’ schedules) are guilty of criminal acts. This is separate from speaking freely. These are ACTS, physical acts, that fall into the category of unlawfulness and endangerment.

        And btw, whoever wrote this article .. did not include the forced entry and occupation that occurred at Columbia. This is not peaceful protesting.


        AOC needs immobilizing. She seems void of reality. I really wonder what drug she is on. oh, riiight… self-serving. She makes efforts to appear caring but her entire image is shot through with holes. Difficult to put new wine into that. You see, it is more than obvious what happened at Columbia. The students and NON students who forced their way into the building, smashing things, committing unlawful acts.. are criminals. Period. It does not matter what political branch this falls from, it is.. bad fruit. And AOC, a barren tree of institutionalized yearning. She wants to look like she cares about those students protesting in an unlawful manner (while obviously ignoring other students and everything else), but her stance (and her noise) are inarticulate based on the facts. THE FACTS, People. Those students and non student agitators (paid criminals?) are a threat to not just university property but to the students and staff there. This .. is the reality. Forced entry, resisting arrest, creating havoc, fighting with police, threatening a certain student population, threatening the entire student body’s ability to attend class.. and other activities.. THEY PAY FOR at the university.. is clearly unlawful. AOC seems to think that her branch of beasties can do anything or nothing and not be held accountable. This falls into absurdity.

        Her Left wing ignorance will fail.

  18. opheliart permalink

    The Left believes it has the right, the privilege.. to this type of behavior. People have said, had this been Republicans..

    The hypocrisy of the Left is front and center.


    I am a Zionist! -Joe Biden

    You aint’ Black! -Joe Biden

    Why did he remain silent during these riots? Some say, “He hasn’t got a clue.” I say, he can’t be trusted to LEAD this country to peace. He is a poor leader. He is a liar, and he thinks ONLY of his political career. It is a very sad day when your “top” 2 choices are Joe Biden and Donald Trump. What’s this country come to?

    Nearly every country has laws for immigration, some understandably strict. What’s wrong with Joe Biden’s political self-promotion? It is dangerous. One might say, we absolutely do not want a Donald Trump type America. But why in Hell would one then turn around and destroy America by way of Joe Biden?

    • opheliart permalink

      Biden and his political party would find fault with the nurse. Remember the Dem Party blaming the Females going out for a run. Don’t run alone; don’t run in that area (which is where Women used to run until things got so bad)..

      our illegal immigrants come first. In this day.. no one should be entering a halfway house or any house alone for any reason (not even police officers) unless they live there. I think a Male and a Female should be making these house calls. Even food deliveries .. unless it is required that the food be paid ahead of the delivery and the delivery person leaves the order at the door. Ring the bell, knock loudly then leave.

      We live in trying times, my friends.

      • opheliart permalink

        Not really a flag waver myself but I understand its sentiment and its purpose. If America is to remain a separate nation–separate from other nations–in terms of who and what we are as Americans, no other flags should be flown under no religion and under no other nation. The Israeli flag should be removed as well as the Palestinian flag. This does not mean we can’t be friendly.. just that we are not of an ‘altruistic’ entitlement. We are not under Islamic or Judaic rule or influence in our law-making. We are a private entity that allows differences. Islamic-ruled nations are hardly diverse. The more you lean towards this religion the more you sacrifice freedom.


        showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish.

        The Left and the Right attempt to use the religions and political interests of others over the American Taxpayers and America itself. This is a recipe for disaster. If one is not well, one cannot heal others. If one aids in the war-mongering of other nations, one is not suited to orchestrate ‘peace’ within one’s own nation. America by way of government, religion and educational area is neck deep in war-mongering interests. This places America in the hands of “fornicators” (if understanding the language of theWritings–what you understand as Scripture). These are people/nations sworn to another idea of choice. We as Americans are not free.. we are in bed with dictators, religious scribes and adultery of other nations, nations often with human rights violations. How does this move us toward the health and well-being within our own citizenry?

  19. opheliart permalink

    Hmm.. carefully planned by the Islamic tribe. I have little respect for such practices. I do think if this person is on private property, she should comply with what the property owners ask of her or leave. THIS IS NOT A PUBLIC AREA TO PROTEST OR PREACH POLITICAL OR RELIGIOUS AGENDA UNLESS THE GATHERING IS INTENDED FOR SUCH.

    She, and others, overreach in their quest for Islamic ideal. I would simply be happy with a ban on misogynistic practice which we all know (but many ignore) is part of Islam, but I do believe this overreach has begun to rub America the wrong way (and no, I do not view her as a democratic vehicle given her politics and her religion. If you look at Islamic ruled countries you see the lack of democracy). And so.. I believe Islam will be banned in the U.S.

    How will it come to this? you wonder. Simply through undermining the generosity and perspective of ordinary Americans. The press is ghosted .. and plainly archaic in its response. It holds little degree of credibility regarding the temperament of these times. Get enough Islamic sympathizers in your press room and you have a verdict.. before the trial begins. So be it. The Press will be sued along with sooooooo very many others. We’ve seen it before: we will see it again.

    Bye-bye Islam. From my vantage point.. you won’t be missed. Now for the rest of those chest beaters… 😮

  20. opheliart permalink

    I met Harold Grinspoon and his wife today. They came into my studio looking for a painter for Harold’s wood sculptures. I was quite tempted. I love the idea, but honestly, I do not much like painting on wood and.. I quite like the wood itself.. such richness. But okay, who am I to say.. and being new to the community, I was limited as to who would be a good candidate for this work. I see value in having our Community assist.. but.. I am but a small voice. The heavy weights are those who have been in the building for 20-30 yrs. Okay, so where are the painters for his work? What? We have no painter for this work? Not really buying it.

    I did speak with a young person who was interested and.. who I think would do well, but.. am I overstepping? My question is.. how do we help a struggling building if we do not know the gifts and talents of our own community artists?


    Japan .. xenophobic? Not sure Biden should be pointing fingers. I think Biden should be focused on the many concerns in our country instead of critiquing other nations and using Taxpayer dollars for infighting and tribal wars of other nations.

    How about…

    should you denounce a person for USING HIS OR HER own money for a group of their choice? Philanthropy is one thing. If it is their money.. it is their money. It is very different if it is the Taxpayer’s money because, in America, the Taxpayer is quite diverse.. in all respects. But for those who wish to support this or that group if.. it does not interfere with U.S. legislation that undermines the common rights of others .. it is the business of the one spending their own money. Influence is another matter, but this, too, has its consequences.

    So what of George Soros? Undermining the common rights of others? How about promoting/elevating/inciting hatred, disrespect or disregard for a select group or a type of person? One can speak the Truth about someone or some group but one should not be paying protesters to endanger lives, destroy property and incite hatred. Some people are just too big and too politically motivated to be trusted to lead. They favor a narcissistic enterprise that pardons some while demonizing others.. as if they are without error.. as if they are king. Some play a type of god using their money. A bit frightening? Just think of someone like Hitler.. although, in his case, it was influence, influence at a certain time in a nation psyche that brought together some big entities. Why does someone like Soros want democracy in America replaced with something akin to Communism .. or Marxism.. or a brash, cult-sized socialistic enterprise?

    I do wonder if Soros interfered in the presidential election.. illegally. What do you think?

    Big heads with big money and big political influence determining your fate?

    • opheliart permalink

      I think if universities are engaging in political unrest, upheaval and just plain old party line politics.. they should be paying taxes. If a school is 100% motivated toward educating people equally.. then maybe it can be tax exempt, but I know this does not exist. Just look at what all these schools teach and look at the religious and political aspirations of its educators. I feel the same about religion. Although, I believe no religion can be truly impartial .. well, possibly a form of modern gnosticism, but if a religion, it has certain preferences.

      Just tax these entities and call it a day. As for Islam’s ideal replacing our existing policies.. hmm, just say no. I agree we should not be favoring other nations in a way that puts certain Taxpaying Americans at risk or that undermines certain freedoms.. but as America becomes so diverse, it becomes so fractured, and unity becomes a thing of the past. What we see today.. and no surprise.. is party breakdown. Infighting. The Left eating its own? Too many special interest groups? Too many “marginalized”? Too many demanding power, money, exceptionalism/favoritism? Hand outs? Where does it end? This stream of unnegotating circumstances .. causes a nation to implode.

      And then there’s Islam…

  21. opheliart permalink

    So it’s not all about Trump.. is it?

    This is a lot of words. Everywhere I turn, I see an opinion of this camp or that camp. More words. What I do not see is Peace. What I do not see is an end to this war. What I do not see is either side solving this age old problem of religious… industry. What I do not see is an end to the war-mongering over a plot of land and the end to whose god is true. What I do not see is the U.S. government treating the American Taxpayer as first and foremost. What I do see is abuse of power.

    • opheliart permalink

      I totally disagree that because one is religiously affiliated he must think and react the same as others of the same religious affiliation. If one man jumps off a bridge, all must jump off a bridge? I can understand a religious teaching that is adamantly opposed to war, the killing of others and other forms of violence but Islam is not opposed to war, violence and the killing of others. Quite the opposite (see article at the end of this post). Every religion to date involving MAN uses war and violence as part of its message.

      As for the person who converted to Islam and this idea that one Muslim is all Muslims in one body.. is MOB MENTALITY ( in the case of religious ideology). This is a super dangerous mentality–teaching. Imagine if one politician in Congress influenced all politicians in Congress.. one extremist makes all of this same extreme? This is why there are always religious wars.. known as cult followings. I believe this will be why Islam will be banned in America. It very well will come to this if all Muslims act or are expected to act in an extreme manner. Can you imagine every Muslim in the World behaving as one and protesting to the point of rioting and attacking universities and other public (and private?) areas? It’s bad enough if all Muslims react the same in America, but the World? Yikes.

      Are you seeing what I am seeing? Mob mentality, folks. This country could end up in flames. Think of “Burn the bitch down” step-daddy of Michael Brown.


      and don’t forget this:

      Can you imagine the protesters converting to Islam and forcing a complete takeover of our government? Can you imagine America turning into an Iran? These are the start ups that influence this extreme… change. But it’s not really change, is it? It is a repeat of history. Do NOT go down that path..


      Ah, the Inquisition.. the “good” old Catholic days? 😮 😦

      To Michael Glass.. It wasn’t a good thing! Why must one doubt–in the slightest– its evil???

      Thomas Reese wants the RCC to be the grand Inquisitor of Inquisition under Roman Catholic rule? Can you imagine this horror? Consider what happened during this time..the maiming, torturing and murdering of those who opposed the slightest aspect of Roman Catholic doctrine and teaching. Reese himself would be strung up and tortured for his political policies under this religious affiliation. Just ban the practices that endanger American citizens.. particularly the Female half.

      • opheliart permalink

        I remember looking closely at Bernie Sanders his first presidential run. And then he ran to the pope of Rome for assistance in his campaign. That’s when I knew he could not be trusted. Running to a known misogynist, and someone who is head of a misogynist organization, and also known to OPPOSE many of the Dem policies.. I thought, Bernie is a hypocrite and a do as I say not as I do person. He does not really “stand” by his beliefs. So a really good question is: What are those beliefs?

        He may disapprove of the Gaza extreme but he will continue to feed the house that built it. Dems and their socialist rig.. are the party of Hypocrites. Believe ALL Women? Not if it involves Joe Biden. Say anything that might be even remotely insulting or offensive to a Black person and you might end up homeless and without a paycheck.. unless you are Joe Biden. How easily they forgave old Joe in his “You ain’t Black!”. So pathetic. There can be no excuses for this.. and is why the Dem Party no longer exists. It is a ghost of its former self..

        and there’s the whore-mongering of JFK (besides the sexual infidelities with Monroe and young women fresh out of college). He lied to America! People died in droves under that lie. When will you people recognize a counterfeit when you see it? Thing is…. Dems see only what they want to see in order to gain power. Joe Biden in all his counterfeit and extensive lies.. would thrust America into a full blown war (with your children and grandchildren dying) if he thought it would keep him in the high tower. But the high tower is crumbling and soon to break.. again. Remember, he is a Zionist. Said so himself.


        And because I oppose Joe Biden .. adamantly .. does not mean I approve of Donald Trump. Don’t play that stupid game with me. I’ve heard it every time I pointed out Joe’s lies and inconsistencies, hypocrisy and deceit. One assumes the other? Bullsh#%t. Both men are not worth all this drama and trauma. GET RID OF THE BOTH OF THEM. They serve themselves. This is the danger of mob mentality.. of choosing what you are told to believe is a lesser of 2 evils.. as if you have no choice in the matter. Well, under Islamic rule, you will have no choice. You reap what you sow, People. Let your yes be yes and your no be no or do not call yourself a believer.. in Christ.

  22. opheliart permalink

    I suppose I could have put this as a response to the previous post regarding ‘abuse pf power’. I read this before and thought it was a simple reaction to being a fan of hers. Sort of like, “do the heart thing to me; I am a huge fan—love you, Caitlin!” I do not even see any reason to call it cringy or weird… just a bit old school maybe. I’m not a huge fan of any athlete, and would never say something like this.. although, I do enjoy watching certain athletes play Pickleball .. over and over 😉

    Barring this columnist is what is weird. I am all for holding people of a certain credential accountable for what they say.. you know, like Biden’s “You ain’t Black!” and when politicians and press lie.. but I believe this has gone too far. But maybe Caitlin said something and it got Gregg banned. Maybe ask her what she thinks? The “and we’ll get along just fine” could have been modified a little. Something like, “and I’ll be fine” (smile).

  23. opheliart permalink

    The weak link of Atreides. We know of the betrayal. Hamas, backed by Iran and its close allies, is never to be trusted. Or.. shall we just put this into a greater more visible perspective (Worldwide)? Islam, used by Iran and other Democracy-hating cousins.. on its prophet’s mission of EXTERMINATION. One after the other. You are likely on its list whether you support its regime or not.

    • opheliart permalink

      I know this is likely meant to be nation-state Israel specific .. but the nation’s actions based on its religious and political ideology extend far beyond the country itself. Criticism of Jewish ideology or any ideology should be considered free speech and not hammered into stone that it is antisemitic or.. in the case of those not Jewish, labeled abusive. Look at the criticism of Roman Catholicism, Islam and other misogynistic religions.. followers of political groups (basket of deplorables .. say anything to you?). Christian Nationalists are getting abused by government entities, civic, religious and journalistic groups.. non stop. What about Men talking trash about Women .. as a gender, defaming them or just plain exploiting them for entertainment and money grabbing theatre? Ethnicity, sex, religious, political, spiritual, mystical, gnostic and .. all free speech if not lies?

      Take for instance the pope of Rome talking trash about gnostics. Where are these gnostics? Bet you don’t know–can’t name-a-one. I am gnostic. The dude doesn’t know what he’s talking about. This is slander. He lives in the Dark Ages and he often acts like it. So I say it.. any Man who is part of an organization that denies Female equal rights and opportunities within that organization is misogynistic. Anyone who thinks Female is not of religious and spiritual “ethnicity” equal to a Male’s “ethnicity” is lost–is archaic and is clearly misinformed.

      So yes, tell the Truth about what you see–what you hear. If critique is necessary in this country or another country about not just nation-State Israel’s actions but Jewish ideology itself.. then witness this. Are we to be caught in Western Construct for the rest of our days? If you are a believer in Truth, where is your Prophet on Truth? Do you not believe what the East has to provide? I don’t mean.. the Middle East or Eastern theology/philosophy such as Hinduism.. I am referring to Christ. This is not what or who Western Construct (Western Civilization as you know and understand this) has taught you. Look at your covenants. You are war-mongering tribes, sexist, misogynistic, gender-obsessed, ethnicity-obsessed, color-obsessed.. and ego-centric under the rules, customs, covenants of the West. Mankind has yet to ‘see’ the New–to partake of the East.

      • opheliart permalink

        Yes, pride .. is a dangerous thing. I can absolutely believe this strategist regarding Joe Biden. Biden’s pride stands hot and bold in the face of Truth. It is stunningly obvious.. throughout his career. It is the same for Donald Trump. He has a similar problem minus the many years of political experience. It’s called name and money. It’s called.. abuse of power. Politicians are often guilty of abuse of power due to their pride. Religions are destroyed by religious leader’s pride. Things happen that are bad.. or wrong, unhealthy, unsafe .. and these things need to be acknowledged and not glossed over, whitewashed, ignored.. denied ..or the rules changed to avoid calling out the obvious. No one is perfect, and I believe it to be unfair to expect public officials, government leaders, and religious leaders.. or any person in a position of leadership to be without error. It is a common error not to admit that pride gets in the way of progress due to inconsistency, hypocrisy, inadequacy, incompetence.. denial. Rules of a certain importance should hold sway. The facts on the economy for most Americans speaks boldly.. and Biden should admit these folks are real and relaying Truths.. regarding their experiences. He refuses to do this. And Trump refuses to admit his ego stands in the way of .. certain Truths. Both men are a danger to the health and wellbeing of this nation. I think of Biden saying to the Black Man “You ain’t Black!” because the Man asked him a question he did not want to hear. This is pride, my friends…. a big dose of pride.

        I had an incident today that caused me to be firm, and it put me in a position to state the Truth.. even though it may have appeared unpopular at the moment. One must be willing to see the bigger picture for the wellbeing of the community. A sports game has rules. This is of utmost importance for order in playing a sport. Without rules, the sport is reduced to chaos and all players lose.

        I made a line call in Pickleball. I was the receiving player. I was even the closest to the ball. I am typically a generous line caller. It does not matter all that much to me on the calls.. often even saying, “Play it!” as I hit a ball I know is slightly out.. so that our rally can continue. But in this particular moment, I saw the ball to be out and I called it out. My opponents (two older people I have played with many, many times) began to argue with me. First, I want to ask you how you would feel if you were a visiting player from another community and your opponents began to argue with you on your call? What kind of sportsmanship is this? I decided to make a point.. and I stuck to it. I did this for the continuation, sanity and health of the community, and the importance of abiding by the rules of the sport. I said, the rule is that the receiving player/s make the call. I said, it does not matter what you saw or think you saw, the rule is that the receiving player/s get to make the call. They persisted. The older gentleman refused to back down. He has issues with following game rules to begin with, and I have seen him argue with a visiting player about a line call and the player did not come back to the community for many, many it was important that I stand firm on this. If opponents get their way during line calls on an unrefereed match, what is to become of the game? What will become of the community? The man continued to argue. He would not let up. The game was over.. and he continued to argue with me. It is upsetting enough to suddenly be viewed as if I am being somehow dishonest in light of the Truth (the rule.. which both know… having played long enough) and the fact that I am as honest a line caller as I can be.. as any solid player can be. If opponents differ.. they differ. One may be wrong. There is a Truth about where that ball hits but the rule is that it is the call of the receiving player/s. THIS WAS MY POINT. Often they do differ but the rule for rec play is clear. You don’t stop play and make a scene by arguing.

        *In pro play, a call may be challenged by a player and refs review the play and make a final call.

        Being closet to the ball does not always mean a player can make a clear call, but someone has to make that call.. or you may decide on a redo, but it should be the decision of the receiving team. Sometimes, a player will say, I did not see it. Did anyone see it? I try not to open this up to outside people. I try to stick with the players on the court and I have asked an opponent, I did not see it.. what did you see? This is just being honest and respectful during play. There is no harm in not knowing if a ball is in or out, but there is harm in arguing with an opponent during play because you disagree with the call your opponent makes. This is bad form, not to mention it is against the rules. So why did they do it? Why did they suddenly argue with me so openly? See it differently, yes.. argue with me about it.. no, not during the game. Sadly, we had a new player (my partner) still learning the game.. witness this. She asked if at an outdoor facility much used by the Pickleball community .. it would be the receiving players call. I said, yes, this is a rule. You see? You see how easy it would be to send the wrong message, misinform, set a bad precedent, be inconsistent and ruin the game, disrupt and undermine the sport .. because one or two players decided to change the rule? Denying that something exists because you don’t want to lose or you don’t like losing or you are acting out of pride .. does the community no favors. It is not healthy for the community. See it how you see it, and by all means, you and your partner can privately disagree together about the call, but don’t destroy the joy of the game, ruin the day, by loudly arguing with a receiving member’s line call. How would you feel?

        Pride cometh… before.. a fall. I discerned on this incident for some time before writing about it. Did I miss something in this experience? I even said at the time, I know you are pissed at me, but I am making a point. Should I have given them what they wanted? Should I have caved, and said, oh, okay, I saw it wrong. Actually, the in or out did not matter, it was the behavior I pointed out. Was I wrong to insist that we stand by this rule, and not allow the opponents to make the call? Why did these two feel it was more important to ignore the rule and start an outburst? Do we give into this? Do you see my point? I’ve walked around this incident, looking at it from different points of view but I keep coming back to the rule of play and how it relates to the community’s status. What might that status be if we allowed this outburst every time a player disagrees? I saw what happened before, was I to allow it to happen a second time? And will there be a third and a fourth….. ?

        You see how this can destroy a political party.. or even a nation? Denial.. pride often go hand in hand.

  24. opheliart permalink

    The Golden Age of American Jews? Is there such a thing? If so.. in what manner? Who are these Golden Jews? Harvey Weinstein? Shall I name more? Is there a Golden Age of American Greeks? How about a Golden Age of American Russians? Swedes? Danes? Germans?

    Pride … Denial..cometh before the fall..

    • opheliart permalink


      Extremists exists on both sides. A question one might ask in all sincerity: Is Joe Biden a Zionist?

      Are we to go by his own words or are we to ignore what Joe Biden says? If we are to ignore what Joe says, why believe his campaign promises? Why vote for a man who can’t decide which half of the bed to sleep on? One minute he’s on the left.. the next, the right. One might also ask why Mark Silk is pointing his Jew-laden finger at his opponent when his own political party wet both sides of that bed.

  25. opheliart permalink

    On the matter of sports games and sportsmanship, court etiquette and the like.. I am beginning to see a need for a separation.. of sorts. Open play is open play in Pickleball, but is it opening itself up to liability and lawsuits, or maybe just outgrowing itself? In this Day of canceling others, and denial, pride and provocation..

    we are approaching a point of segregation. Or separation. How about segmentation? Age segmentation? Skill separation? Hard play verses soft play? Senior play? But I am a senior.. and I do not wish to play only seniors. I can play with any player I want during non open play. We have choices. I can even choose not to play with argumentative players and players who either don’t know the rules or who ignore the rules. I can stay away from playing with players who are obsessive about telling you what you should and should not be doing during play and I can stop playing with players who compromise game etiquette and sportsmanship due to dementia or dementia-related behaviors (:( sad, I know, but I’ve seen a few issues compromising overall play and the conditions of play within a community where the community is undermined and loses players). I can even steer clear of playing with players too feeble to handle drive hits making them exceptionally vulnerable and “at risk”. As I play higher and higher levels of Pickleball, I am being forced to hit hard, drive hard.. constantly.. it’s more a game of tennis, racquet play mixed with Pickleball.. with little to no dink play or soft play (many tennis players and bangers do not know how to dink or how to dink properly, and THE KITCHEN is what makes Pickleball Pickleball!).

    Someone drove at my face during a game this week. I put my paddle up and saved myself from being tattooed. She apologized profusely. No worries, I responded. It’s fine (all part of the game). I then drove a ball at her partner and was given a dirty look .. like I’d committed a crime. I apologized right away, and said, I meant for that ball to go more toward the middle. My point? I was not intending for that ball to go at her chest (very short player). During play, we misplace. It happens to players A LOT. When a player reacts by hitting the ball back and over the net.. no one apologizes… right? They play on. Players drive at players. Players target players. It is part of Pickleball strategy. Not all drives are successfully landing at someone’s shoelaces. I have even read where shorter players should drive at taller players by aiming for the gut.

    And there is the situation involving super athletic, highly skilled players in rec play and those who drive hard (slam or bang) every ball that comes in contact with their paddle. They excel at this. People do get turned off by this. I generally choose style of play based on my mood and how well I feel up to countering certain hits. If I’ve played earlier in the day.. am showing some signs of fatigue or lack of strength .. I don’t blame the hard hitters. I either don’t play or I go “back to the lab” as some say .. to work on things. I don’t relish only hard play; I love a good dink fest…

    But.. as issues crop up, concerns, complaints.. certain conduct.. it may be time to segment by age and skill level or style of play. I am not in charge of this so .. it will be others dictating on this.

  26. opheliart permalink

    Political theatre for votes.. nothing more.

  27. opheliart permalink

    Just Mad-donna’s rain dance. It happens all the time. Just wondering if Mad-donna uses the millions she makes doing these concerts to aid those in impoverished countries..

  28. opheliart permalink

    Biden should stop making everything about him.

  29. opheliart permalink

    On bridging..

    I think he was inspired during a time of theological influence rather than political influence. I don’t see a religious and scientific bridge ..just a bridge of ecumenical thought. Today, Catholics are embroiled in political awareness and woke-ness more than anything theologically inspiring. Gone are the days of search and rescue? Hmm.. there is nothing inspiring about the Roman Catholic Church today.. other than Catholics who, in good Conscience and genuine effort, work to help people in need.. even if those efforts create more needy.

    The Roman Catholic Church is locked down theologically. It’s Day of theological or philosophical interest.. done, gone .. never to return. It can’t enter the field of pioneering “inspiring Truths” …..whilst buried in political and religious archaism. It made its bed. Any true Seeker must depart from the handman’s tale of Catholic intimidation. Even the comments on this article by Reese are laced with Inquisitorial error. Pitchfork in hand.. stabbing away at those who dream rather than lending a hand in the soil of spiritually scientific literation.

    • opheliart permalink

      The face of Christianity will change as will the landscape of religion.

      One must not talk in circles. Dead is dead. I am no theological vehicle nor do I strive to be. I thrive on Spiritual Intuition, fielded by a higher source (obviously higher than little, old me 😉 ).

      Even my dreams show me a portal into a room of significance. But, you see, to talk to the masses.. one must be a mast. This is not the speaking in tongues (theology is a tongue of theology.. not philosophy or spiritual intimacy); it is a fluency that bridges Truth with tides.

      Today’s Man is embedded in political rivalry; his religious caught up in political party persuasiveness born from religious interest. Even the Left, if claiming none-ship and anti-religious transformation (outlanding), yokes with religions such as Islam or Hinduism. One is not Spiritually free under the guide of religious nepotism.

  30. opheliart permalink

    Hate crime.. or is this nonexistent when White people get attacked by people of color? Just wondering..

    Or.. is this a celebrity “crush”?


    On the topic of hate crimes..

    Why aren’t we reading this on Lib-Left news sites? WHY AREN’T WE READING THIS AT RELIGIOUS NEWS SERVICE? Because it does not serve Religion? It serves POLITICAL religious agenda, and that agenda is highly paid for by Islamic-run interest? Allow us to remind you that Islam is no fan of Women’s rights.. or LGBTQand.. rights. At its core, it is highly dogmatic and strongly male dominated. And violent.

    Not that I am in any way in favor of what nation-state Israel is doing ..

    just sayin’.

    And the Left will preach that he is being silenced and oppressed. Meanwhile, look at the women of Islam.. walking around in black tents with a slit for eyes! Never, never, NEVER did I ever think we would see this in America! I am ashamed that this is permitted. It is a disgrace. And it is dangerous that preachers in America are permitted to preach death to any ethnic group. All of this has gone on too long. Time to pull back the sheets and reveal the Truth behind some of these religionists and their religious.. agendas. Time to stop the Abuse of Power by government officials. Time to ban the misogyny and.. the religious anarchy.

    Trust me, Dem’s Leftist party will come under fire and be thoroughly extinguished due to Islamic masterminding. It is obvious Dem cult-Leftism is using Islam for political power. I dislike misogynistic, authoritative .. male-dominated religion; don’t you?

    • opheliart permalink

      There is Good..and Evil SPIRIT, folks. Anything can be SPIRITUAL. A Man preaching death to you because you are White, a Woman, a Christian, a Jew.. Gay, a person with red hair..

      is likely compromised by Evil. If your God says, Thou Shalt Not Kill.. do you oppose your God and murder.. people? What if someone comes at you or your Child with a machete? You do what you can in the moment to stop him, even if it ends up with the Man dying. Does that Man with the machete die at his own hand? It would seem so.

      What causes these terrible wars? War-mongering? If there is a Spiritual place that is not of this World, why invest in war and make a plot of land all about you and your religious or ethnic identity? Could this be the difference between what is of Christ and what is of religious life? It would seem so.

      • opheliart permalink

        No doubt in my mind that Joe “I am a Zionist!” Biden and his admin is guilty. I am appalled, horrified.. that our country is supporting the wars of these tribes. It must have something to do with Roman Catholic ideology. He claims to be a devout Catholic and pays into and supports the Roman Church, does he not? Allow us to remind you that the starved and dying in Gaza are not all Islamic Palestinians. Go back centuries and you see a history of religious war. Nothing ‘Holy’ about any of it.

        The students at the universities protesting the Gaza attacks are not fully informed about their own decisions. Why promote a religion at the expense of another religion? You eradicate one for another that is also your foe? This seems absurd. Suicidal, really. Sure, protest the murder and starvation.. speak out against your own government for forcing Taxpayers to pay into and support these religious wars, but don’t promote Islam. Don’t set up islam to take your dreams–to destroy your freedoms.

        But yes, Joe Biden and his admin have aided in this epic disease. Impeach him.

  31. opheliart permalink

    Wow, this is getting scary. Not sure who to be more upset with.. the protesters or the politicians. At times, I think the protesters wearing masks are cowards .. why not protest legally? Protesting is an American right. Illegal entry, vandalizing public and private property, inciting violence of any sort on any person or group.. not good. Hiding your face during these events is.. cowardly. And if protesting legally, why hide your face? Unless, many of those protesting are not students, but activists creating havoc on campuses. And there’s the mask police.. who can’t come up with a way for these protesters to be heard without burdening the American Taxpayer even more? Yup, burdening the Taxpayer. And there’s the very real issue of Abuse of power..

    by forcing Americans to pay into and support these ugly wars. Endangering students or a certain sect of students.. leads to endangering at-risk persons in society by denying them a mask? What’s America coming to? Both parties are guilty of abuse of power. Biden should be impeached and Trump sent to jail. Be done with both of them. Please, let’s get on track with helping our own citizens get well. And let’s get a handle on the influx of illegal entry we cannot house or care for. If you cannot take care of your own, what makes you think you can care for those from other countries? Both parties are guilty. Both political parties are positioning America for the great implosion. The Dems want the American Taxpayer forced to pay for illegal immigration while Republicans and the Dems force us to pay for war-mongering in other countries. Meanwhile, Americans suffer, struggle needlessly.. and

    • opheliart permalink

      Likely going to see more and more of these types of lawsuits. I believe the overreach is starting to catch up with certain political interests. I mean, think about this.. civil people, people desiring a place of good parenting want parents to be informed of their child’s situation, and to care.. not be negligent and not expect school districts, politicians and political entities to parent. These entities did not give birth to the child nor do they clothe and feed the child, and Taxpayers PAY in their districts for the education of their children.. and should have say. Obviously, there are some parents who are very strict and some who are absolute no shows.. abandoning their kids. There must be a very solid balance, and I believe to expect teachers to lie is to set the wrong example. Kids are most vulnerable. Children begin to lie, figuring lying is an acceptable belief and practice? And why create such distance between parent and child should they disagree? Kids cannot always have things their way. THIS IS LIFE, People.. those of a certain age know and understand this, and fully prepare that not everything will go their way.. including their kids.. so do not cut the cord so dispassionately. Who will be there for these students after the politicians are gone? Parents parent mostly their entire lives. And people change.. a lot.. over the course of their lives. Setting a good foundation is key. Institution anti-parent theology or parent as the enemy belief and practice because parent and child disagree (and how many times in our lives has this happened?) a gross misuse of funds and future advisement.

      As for this physical education teacher’s belief .. there are times where it is necessary to separate. Be different schools. And please, have schools with some balance. I would never want the State to be in charge of raising the Taxpayer’s children and expecting that teachers should lie to please the State’s agendas. Geez.. one might question which entity is the fascist and the moist religious.. Christianity or State? 😮

      • opheliart permalink

        On the topic of safety and the many, many cases (situations) where this country (America) is hurting, struggling, unwell, diseased, sick, dangerous and of great concern. There are many like this man.. in the World, and many right here in the U.S. We cannot improve our economy and our country’s conditions (health and well-being) if we are inundated with the demands and needs of billions of people coming in from other countries.. illegally. it is just not possible. And if anyone tells you to shut your trap about this, know immediately that they are insanely naive, ignorant or .. of a political agenda to turn America into a damaged and unlawful State. Period.

        Any person who has raped or attempted rape by attacking in this manner (CA, NY..) should be put into prison.. for good. Yes, exactly what I said.. FOR good. For the health and safety of American citizens and those visiting America. Consider the mind that is capable of such behavior. There is no excuse. This is not a case of fear or self-defense. This is an unlawful act of .. sickness. It is a sick mind that is capable of such a deed. It is horrific. Society is accustomed to seeing/hearing rape.. news, TV, film, literature.. and society is accustomed to Women and Children being raped throughout the Mankind’s history. A common occurrence from the earliest days.. of Man.. and continuing to this very day. There is no cure for Man. The only way to help stop the increase is twofold:

        Imprison rapists for good.

        Address this crime in the hearts and minds of the Youth, and impress upon them that this is a sign of a seriously unstable mind, capable of horrific acts.. and that no good comes from allowing these minds to roam free. It is a disease, People.. a Disease. Where in your society is this important point missed? Start with your religions? Misogynistic religions.. that won’t allow Female to explore the Mind of Man regarding sex? Hmm.. such a distortion of image so many religious have of their God..

        and such a disingenuousness politicians have regarding the Truth about equality, equal rights and opportunities.. and the savage beast within ‘himself’..

        *article says she was not injured? wrong. try being knocked down and dragged by your hair. sounds like something a caveman would do.. or some Norse figure in one of America’s famed shows.


        I am thoroughly opposed to religious statues in public places and especially in the U.S. capitol. Religion does not represent the best interests of all Taxpayers. Why must this be spelled out to these folks? Junipero Sera? Brigham Young? And so.. these will be destroyed..

        Graham was an honest person and I hold no ‘great’ offense against him, but he did represent a type of Christianity held in the image of Man more than in the image of God. He just did not know any better, and was thoroughly immersed in his own personal likeness. It’s the way of Man–the times. At least he did not take an army with him to “a new world” (other tribes in other areas/countries) and FORCE indoctrination. People were raped, thrashed, tortured and murdered under the watch of Roman Catholic messengers not carrying Peace .. carrying deadly cartel.

        Idols. And what does Almighty God say about idols? And that thou shalt have NO OTHER GODS? Man loves himself and his brothers more than he loves Christ. And sadly, he loves brothers of his own ilk and illusion. What of those who suffered under these men? What of Women, Children… Native Peoples?

        And this guy?

        Brigham Young and the Mountain Meadows Massacre

        Historians debate the role of Brigham Young in the massacre. Young was theocratic leader of the Utah Territory at the time of the massacre. There is a consensus among historians that Brigham Young played a role in provoking the massacre, at least unwittingly, and in concealing its evidence after the fact.– wiki

        and so.. it shall be. You reap what you sow. If God is calling you/your people to resist these adulteries and to not yoke with these infidelities.. why do you? If you are a Believer in Christ, why do you insult God by such blasphemies? These Men (represented in clay/stone/metal) are of a superstitious and indignant sort. They worked for State operated by religious.. indecency. Young was a political narcissist in religious dress much like the priests and bishops on up the clerical ladder of the RCC. This demonstration of statues proves State is made up of Men favoring religion. And we pay with not just our hard-earned dollars but with our lives for their war-mongering..

        in the World. BTW, who is paying for these statues?


        All the agencies involved could not help him? Hm.. guns still in his possession. As you go to church, take a run on the beach, walk your dog, take your kids to the mall, eat at a restaurant, go to your class at school or on a college campus.. see a movie, play in the park.. think about where the next madman will strike. The U.S. is facing and unsolvable problem.. with or without weapons.. and the Dem Party wants even more people coming in with no place to live. This is truly insane. The unstable run the country.. both inside and outside the Capitol?

  32. opheliart permalink

    Speaking of statues..

    All the praying .. the statues.. and communities are no better. Many are worse. People flee their homelands for what? More crime and disease? More unsafe conditions? The Vaticanites lock themselves into their nice, clean, well-fortified rooms with more than enough to eat.. while their own people flee corruption and starvation.. abuse, crime..

    O Mary, where in this Hell are you? And where is your father, your son.. and all your Catholic saints? One would think the super powers of these so-called ‘holy’ would be able to transform anything for a life that’s safe, secure and peril-free. What actual GOOD does apparitions do other than seat more Roman Catholic cardinals and sell more statues?

    • opheliart permalink

      He’s speaking for his pope.. I believe. Why not mention what his pope has been preaching regarding Men, Women and having kids? Not that Fran would know what being married and raising kids is like. He’s big into “do as I say not as I do”. Can you imagine.. preaching marriage, family and the like without a stitch of experience?


      He’s certainly entitled to his views.. his beliefs and practices. Wonder who chose him to speak. After all, this is a Catholic College.. what did these women expect would come from Roman Catholic belief and practice? First and foremost, they should know that they are being denied equal rights and opportunities within the religion, and this College is if any one of them wanted to be a Catholic priest .. not allowed.

      The point many of them are making is fairly sound. Why get a degree in something if your heart’s desire is to find a husband, stay home and raise kids? What would be the point of the degree if you aren’t going to use it–make money with it–pursuing something you are interested in and have talent in? That said, there is nothing wrong with wanting to be a homemaker, otherwise known as a DOMESTIC ENGINEER (speaker should’ve given homemaker a better title 😉 Managing a house, yard, pets and kids.. husband = a lot of work. It’s like having a mini company or business. Some aren’t cut out for it; others do it when the time is right. And in today’s society, partners share responsibilities. Things have changed and I think this is a good thing. If a parent is there for the Children, this is a good thing.. rather than requiring Religion or State to raise them.

  33. opheliart permalink

    LOCK them up.. for good. The success of these guys lures in more victims. Make sure the world knows and understands how despicable this kind of behavior is and.. that it will NOT be tolerated in ‘your’ society/community. You have rights too, you know.. by way of not voting in dead beats who do nothing in regards to these types of crimes. Any politician who caters to these types does not deserve a seat at the table of Humanity.

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