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the inception of the ruse?

June 18, 2017

In the 1960s the Democratic Party changed its strategy for dealing with African Americans. Thanks to earlier Republican initiatives on civil rights, blatant racial oppression was no longer a viable political option. Whereas before that time Southern Democrats had overtly and proudly segregated and terrorized blacks, the national Democratic Party decided instead to be more subtle and get them as dependent on government as possible. As LBJ so elegantly put it (in a famous moment of candor that was recorded for posterity), “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” At the same time, the Democrats started a persistent campaign of lies and innuendo, falsely equating any opposition to their welfare state with racism.


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    • opheliart permalink

      Right wing extremists have killed more than 70 people this year alone.

      We have senators posing with domestic terrorists while decrying non lethal counter protesters.

      The WH closed down the FBI’s unit on gathering intelligence on right wing extremists—rns


      and how many muslims, catholics, jews, protestants, buddhists etc .. liberals, leftists, democrats .. atheists .. and .. communists, socialists, marxists etc .. have killed others this year?

      how many did the GNOSTIC kill, RNS??? can you name one .. ? any one?

      one liberal poop in the bay could cost a life .. no? don’t tell me you don’t know where your shiite ends up, lib-left democrat ..

      and pee-pee tainted with all those MEDS does what to the environment, lib-left democrat? what?? you don’t know??? betcha the political jew knows … don’cha ?

  1. opheliart permalink

    and they call themselves progressive? who in his RIGHT MIND thinks that type of behavior is progress? do you see what the liberal-left demo-vrats have created?

    super dung .. yup. poo-flinging ignorants that don’t know a cat from a dog. this is the america that the jew loves? incivility? bad behavior? nasty, arrogant shit .. outside his tent .. that he did step in ..

    repeatedly? so intent on beating a dead horse he lost his silly, little mind in all the drama..

    O Queen of the Pile .. shall we bow to your city of .. DESTRUCTIVE POLICY???

    • opheliart permalink

      nope .. we have another more potent .. Plan. too bad your choice will cost you .. everything.

      • opheliart permalink

        WE are GIVEN Zion, and will make the MOST of {this} ..

        as God did Ordain .. 🙂

        shall WE demonstrate what {this} looks like???

  2. opheliart permalink

    I KNOW Parents with children in New York .. working, going to school .. because they have been influenced that it’s the place to be .. in film in drama in Art in .. music .. and if something bad happens to those kids .. WITH LAW ENFORCEMENT HANDS TIED .. those responsible for it will fucking wish they were never born! are YOU/S hearing me ???


    • opheliart permalink

      maybe someone should inform liberal – LEFT Thomas Ruse, a clergyman .. of dereliction ..

      children are children .. yes? the RCC does not have a “good” track record on the matter of


      maybe someone should give him …and his POLITICAL PUPPET, Fran, our message? if anything happens to those kids .. those responsible will wish they’d never been born …

      • opheliart permalink

        but what would a celibate indoctrinated religionist know about … children

        or a wife .. bearing children. you know something, dudes? Mothers ( and daddies) can be FIERCE .. like a Lioness .. and can tear your lying asses to bits .. often with just one swipe of the paw. maybe you have never read the Sword???

        maybe someone should inform those at RNS their day is nearing an end?

  3. opheliart permalink

    the liberal-left’s America? … you go girl?

    we think Not.

    RNS’s agenda reads exactly like … that woman with the laptop. when she is told there are children ‘behind’ her .. she says, I know I know .. then continues in her race .. accelerates into fast drive and terrorizes the house.

    thanks for a the video, RNS .. you sure made it real!

    • opheliart permalink


      disorder rules the streets and is desperately trying to rule the borders. the streets show a clear assault on officers .. (maybe the officers liked getting wet on a hot day .. wouldn’t blame them, but it’s clear who is in charge and why they are physically violating others) …

      the borders .. like we said, let the people obstructing justice see to ALL the needs of those they insist should be allowed in .. without proper jurisdiction. heck, why try to reason with the democrat insisting AMERICA is his and his alone? let him have the responsibility .. that he might LEARN SOMETHING ABOUT ACCOUNTABILITY.

      AND’s clear the atheist, the secularist .. are turncoats, traitors .. liars, deceivers to their own brood .. where they defend offending religionists, religionists who never did much if anything to stop the sex crimes, torture and murder of people in their pews .. but now want you to believe they are activists ..

      riiiiight! so the atheists and secularists applauding the histrionics look like hypocrites .. and not only that, they defend, once again, that law for the religions should be different .. for them.

      LET YOUR YES BE YES AND YOUR NO BE NO! but what would DENIERS know about {this}???

      • opheliart permalink

        RNS, many of its commenters, and other news outlets, look quite daft, like they haven’t got a brain OR .. sinister, like they serve the wicked SARUMAN or something (maybe it’s their prophet Muhammad leading the way .. a psychopathic indigent, or a political puppet pope, but what would these people know or understand about SPIRITUAL WARFARE .. they live in the disease and think its okey-dokey!) and these offenders are seriously

        traitorous to you and those you are trying to protect ..

        from the lawless ignorants attacking, destroying house, town, women, children, husbands, wives .. often their own …within an embattled system. they will tear it down, but what do these offenders have to replace it? their own distillery of force and abuse?

        LIES! what promises have their lawmakers made that have been fulfilled? what does RNs really THINK will happen if cities and towns are run by .. thugs?

        and NO ONE is ever vetted and checked for diseases/sickness, honest about seeking asylum ..

        what in hell does RNs THINK will happen? well, I can assure you/s what will happen is that RNs loses its seat .. all credibility as a RELIGIOUS REPORTER .. because religion sure looks like what it has often looked like throughout its history .. playing god. well, you are NOT God .. and neither are your media outlets …so misleading they should be arrested for

        causing riots that cause harm to others! oh, but they send in their ANTIFA clowns to do their dirty work .. VIOLENCE! and it’s ok .. arrest the white supremacist for his freedom of speech and vote into office the atheist-liberal-left thug .. the liar, the deceiver, the hypocrite .. the CRIMINAL .. and they think it’s all good? they know not right from wrong .. they only know .. ignorance!

        and the arrogance born of it….

  4. opheliart permalink

    come on lawmaker, get with the program! state by state .. those taxpayers in the majority in each state decide socialism or freedom of democracy …..

    let the people of each state decide, and that institution will rule. it’s impossible under the current system of government to go by house/home/business in taxation .. esp with religion getting off, receiving perks .. what a joke! it forces extra burdens on you, the taxpayer, then it pretends it deserves your income, and gets to decide which law it will abide by and which it won’t? my God, who thunk up that idiocy???

    the states voting socialist lawmakers will live under socialist rule, and these states MUST TAKE IN ALL THOSE UNDOCUMENTED, ALL THOSE CROSSING THE BORDER … ILLEGALLY .. all those screaming and hollering racism, bigot, anti-semite .. and breaking laws that are mean t to protect Americans .. paying taxes, and their families.

    get with it! the climate is insidious! nothing will change until you do what is necessary and hold each political pundit accountable for his wares!

    • opheliart permalink

      if a business says, but I am thriving here; people like my product .. but I don’t want to live in a socialist state .. for I may lose my business.

      ok, tell that to non socialist states that might want your business .. and like any move package for an employee .. let that state help you move and help you get set up, with proper advertising .. should the taxpaying citizens of that non socialist state agree yours is a good thing for its economy. for its community. let the people decide if you are worth the money ..

      people are moving all the time. boy, wouldn’t this shake things up 😀 .. and hold people accountable for their rallying cries .. BOTH SIDES OF THAT AISLE.

      • opheliart permalink

        religion should NOT get a free pass, for too often .. too long a time … its mission is a personal vendetta .. and an unlimited casting of lots. its god/s are careless gurus sitting on a hill counting checks. BULL sh** .. it has failed you time and time again!

  5. opheliart permalink

    DougH • 42 minutes ago
    I would say that anyone that compares enforcing our immigration laws with the Holocaust and Nazis have made their “American” credentials quite clear.—to saltine’s article


    salkin tries to make his point while hiding behind his rabbinical mask .. ain’t gonna work for him or the jew. he is exactly like trump, a political liberal ignorant, but he cannot see it for all the abuse of character. salkin uses the holocaust the way trump has used the evangelical. both saturate the market with poor leadership then holler foul at the very leads they created within posts they established. did anyone ask the jew how Germany came to be a communist state … the jew’s arrogance and his love of communism set the tone .. for extremism .. the likes you see on both channels of delivery ..
    does it ever occur to him it will blow back in his face, creating a sh**t storm for everyone else .. including a lot of innocents? but what does he care .. really ?

    • opheliart permalink

      probably the most surprising thing for many in all this upheaval is the atheist. what a quack! decade after decade after decade he spent convincing believers in a Supreme Being that he is not a Communist .. that he was NOT the one that murdered sooooo many people: men, women and children .. tortured, abused .. annihilated ..

      to find himself a Communist .. to rule over you. if not his socialist-marxist-communist ideological frame then PATRIARCHAL .. ISLAMIC CALIPHATE (which he suddenly has decided is A-OK with him, including that psychopath of a prophet mo) .. all the while saying religion should not be given a free pass ..

      and yet, he wants YOU to pay for his RELIGION/s .. whatever these may be??? seriously?

      could it be his lack of Truth forbids him .. an honest swage? 😮

      • opheliart permalink

        in REALITY? what’s in it for the Atheist? if the Muslim Brotherhood takes hold of socialist interests .. allowed to build itself a ‘monarchy’ .. the atheist would be the first to be removed! so what’s his game? clearly he hath not thought through his agenda .. maybe he is incapable of gnosis? Sense evades his reasoning?

  6. opheliart permalink

    Susan Humphreys • an hour ago
    There is NO such thing as “natural rights”. All rights come from human beings and the statement that all human beings are created equal shows a great advancement in moral and civil rights thinking–though we as a nation have failed miserably in living up to that ideal.

    From a Scientific perspective no living organism has”rights’–no living organism is superior to or inferior to any other organism. There are however differences in abilities between organisms. The Eagle has better eyesight than we have. Salamanders can regenerate lost limbs. Cheetahs can outrun us. Are they inferior to human beings? NO they are different.

    Our differences, particularly our brain, creates abilities that other organisms don’t have and these abilities–the ability to imagine short term and long term advantages AND consequences, and our ability to change our behavior and invent devices to get us out of some of messes we create for ourselves and other organisms–in my opinion, creates responsibilities that we humans have, NOT rights, because other organisms don’t have our abilities to imagine the consequences of their actions.
    •Reply•Share ›

    Jim Johnson Susan Humphreys • 41 minutes ago
    Well said.


    oh, the atheists have a f’kng Conscience .. ?

    no .. not really .. if you consider life in the womb .

    • opheliart permalink

      allow US to present a .. case .. there is a .. possibly rare ..amphibian.. in man’s environment … and many are much like in a womb .. it could live or die .. depending on what man says and does with where its at ….
      as a supposedly thumbs up environmentalist … what do YOU do?

      • opheliart permalink

        their IGNORANCE … astounds me .please, can you help me .. understand it??

  7. opheliart permalink

    floydlee Susan Humphreys • 36 minutes ago
    Upon what historical factual basis are you claiming that all human beings are created equal?

    After all, if you say all humans evolved naturalistically from an ape-like, non-human common ancestor, then there’s **nothing* that prevents one race from being inherently fastest and smartest and most civilized from the ancestor (whites, according to Darwin) while the blacks are inherently the polar opposite, the slowest, almost gorilla level (again, Darwin). In fact, natural selection is how you account for this inequality.

    But apparently you disagree. So what basis do ypu offer for all humans created equal?–rns

    ___ lol ..

    the ‘alien’ .. ?

      • opheliart permalink

        the liberal-left bigoted Denier of his own hypocrisy and double standard ..

        doesn’t seem to mind that Ilhan is a racist ..

        but he minds greatly that white men .. speak? say and do things that disagree with …

        other white men? hmm .. bizarre? the liberal-left is incapable of seeing that strange scenario? and what of the misogynists in BOTH TRIBES? neither man nor women of religious (including ATHEISM) gets this is … weird? contrary to freedom? AMERICAN … Freedom? why do religious news outlets like RNs feel so strongly about playing the race card .. against white men for black

        tribalism? black misogyny? while using a white man of a bigoted and hierarchal racist .. misogynistic .. RELIGION? the next thing they be feeding you is that

        they are infallible? that the Muslim Brotherhood is a martyr for mankind? wow .. times they are a changing .. and heading for the dung heap? history of mankind religious and political .. headed by atheistic entity .. delivers a bog to the Waters of Life .. to teach its young how to Swim ..

  8. opheliart permalink


    I almost ignored the article then I was shown a comment .. likely one of many who actually witness-live in-deal with this type os situation regularly ..

    first comment on that article says:

    Noemi20 hours ago
    Free/Reduced lunch programs are extremely generous. Reduced lunch in my district is 30 cents/day or $1.50/week. Children never go without. However, when the parents are delinquent, instead of the featured meal, the kids get a bagged lunch. A lunch that meets all the nutritional requirements. Parents receive letters and emails when balances get low, but often choose to ignore them knowing their children will still be fed. I’ve personally paid for lunches and added money to my students’ accounts. Most teachers have… Lunch shaming is so rare that it makes the news each and every single time it occurs. Now, on my soapbox rant, parents who can’t feed their children need to stop getting tattoos, piercings, cigarettes, booze, video games, and new phones every 6 months… Parental priorities…

    __not in the least surprised, and sadly, the liberal-left democrat thinks that you are somehow to blame?


    • opheliart permalink

      I see it too .. but you cannot tell the democrat his parenting sucks .. you might get whiplash 😮

      • opheliart permalink

        but the real Q? why have kids if you do not intend to care for them???

        ask the roman fat catholic church and its marxist, socialist soap .. box and other PATRIARCHAL religious political ___________________________

        and what is even more sad? there are kids who are in a situation where parents cannot … truly, cannot, afford some things, try as they must ..but sickness .. death .. keeps them from doing for their children what they desperately want to do .. and who-what clouds the Truth on these matters? these are kids and the ABUSER knows some will not let them go hungry at school .. and these take advantage ..

        sickness is a serious situation .. quite prolific in your society, taxpayers …

  9. opheliart permalink


    the catholic IN REALITY is the same regarding climate change and immigration as he is regarding abortion: HE DOES WHAT HE WANTS, WHAT WILL SUIT HIM SEXUALLY, POLITICALLY, SOCIALLY, EMOTIONALLY, FINANCIALLY .. religiously.

    just look at how political his hierarchy is!.. it will align with whatever meets its own goals of superiority, power and influence .. satisfying its own appetite (throughout its history!). one very powerful example? with so many catholics demanding socialism/marxism .. bringing in EVERY immigrant and making ALL taxpayers pay for the tens of thousands from EVERY country .. rather than the Catholic Church taking responsibility and paying .. even when these immigrants are catholic! and where their pontiff has aligned with the muslim brotherhoods .. they want you, a non-Catholic, to pay. the Catholic Church FORCES its religious doctrine/teaching on others .. by using the political system .. ALWAYS HAS. IT’S ALWAYS BEEN THIS WAY .. ALWAYS! whether they get into political seats or not they make YOU pay for their ……..

    rather than the Vatican taking responsibility, taking in unwanted children and tens of thousands of immigrants .. it makes the AMERICAN taxpayer pay, insist it be YOUR responsibility. and where is the Vatican doing all it can to save the environment? look at how and where these men and women live! look at your average marxist catholic blaming you for climate while he does what he wants to abuse the environment and ignore .. the warnings! it’s always someone else’s fault his world is in error.

    • opheliart permalink

      look at the sex crime and abuse in the catholic institutions ..

      the staunch religionist blames it on homosexuals .. the socialist, democrat .. who-what does he blame? think about it ..
      an epidemic in his OWN INSTITUTIONS .. and who-what is he blaming? and WHAT has he done about it? what has his leftist pope done about it?

      dangerous sex, domestic violence, rape, and every other crime .. committed by catholics, done to catholics by other catholics .. and who must pay? RELIGION DOES MATTER, FOLKS! you have a nation that invites in every religion in the world, no matter how absurd or dangerous, and what does the catholic government insist? you must pay for ITS crimes?

      all that fall out .. all the disease .. all the sickness .. all the death in within, coming from .. done by catholic and his likeminded religionists .. and YOU and your children and grandchildren must pay .. sometimes with your – their lives! why? because their religion does not teach .. RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY??? if people are asked to account for their own ..

      what do you think would happen to religion .. and government? it might just become REAL?

      • opheliart permalink

        hail marys never worked and never will .. priests hiding in a little box hearing confessions has done what for the sickness of catholic society? purgatory does what, folks???

        NOTHING .. nothing whatsoever! the bigger the catholic head in your society .. the greater the fall out. the more YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES SUFFER .. and this scenario will be the case involving every religion not being held accountable for its lavish, illicit, hypocritical, piggish, selfish .. lusting, corrupt, =dishonest, violent .. behavior. take that to the polls!!! address this FACT during your political/religious debates!

  10. opheliart permalink

    the catholic, catholicism .. cannot survive its own mediocrity. and every religion insisting others pay for his destruction is .. wrong. it’s completely .. totally wrong. it is obstructing justice. it is in contempt of the law .. it has no Sense! it is LAWLESS ..

    and this is exactly what Christ teaches .. about lawless society. the few catholics who really do take their behavior seriously and who are not imposing their religious doctrine on others should get out of catholicism! and out of the political hypocrisy …

    out of political, religious and SPIRITUAL .. Abuse.

    • opheliart permalink

      when a protestant commits a crime .. who-where do you see it plastered all over the news? who-what makes it a priority .. and which church did he belong to .. and isn’t that church the demon. but with tens of thousands of catholics committing crimes, many of these heinous .. do you ever hear a word about the fact that these are catholics ? the democrat won’t say a f’ing word about it and the republican is dependent on the institution to keep itself .. profitable so .. no, you won’t read that these criminals are catholic and catholic oriented ..

      but you will hear if a protestant (church dependent, church attending) protestant commits a crime. religious sites like RNs can’t get enough of it for its RACIST agenda!

      • opheliart permalink

        I can see for miles and miles and the table WILL turn on you/s in your ignorance.

  11. opheliart permalink

    catholics and protestants .. think of SAUL ON THE ROAD TO DAMASCUS ..

    living in a world of mediocrity .. or a media-mediocre life .. where truth is a lie and trust is a delusion.

    what happened that [he] might believe more SENSATIONALLY? that SAUL might become .. PAUL?

    you are not yet there .. dear ones ..

    • opheliart permalink

      how do ‘I’ know {this}?

      Hebrews 6.12

      12that ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

      and Revelation 3..
      and if your are knowledgeable in the entity of religious monasticism ..

      The Philokalia …VOLUME ONE, Page 165

      • opheliart permalink

        rockchalkwombat • 17 hours ago • edited
        The Catholic Church’s teaching on the death penalty, as expressed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, is that, while we acknowledge that there are still (theoretically) conditions under which it is morally acceptable, modern means of containing dangerous persons render it practically obsolete. It’s one the few matters around which there is strong consensus among both progressive and conservative bishops and theologians.

        Recent popes have been quite clear that the Church has moved away from the archaic notion that capital punishment has any punitive value or any practical value as a deterrent. But that’s not good enough for some and they tend to be quite vocal about it. It seems Attorney General Barr is in this camp.

        This represents a selective interpretation of Catholic teaching on Barr’s part, but that’s not surprising. After all, his selective reading of the Mueller report led him to see an “exoneration” of President Trump that the author himself stated wasn’t there.–camosy@RNs


        excuse me while I spit ..

        “has moved aware from archaic notion that capital punishment …”

        how many more YEARS OF YOUR LIFE AND THE LIVES OF YOUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN before the Roman Catholic Church realizes HOW MUCH it got wrong? theologically, spiritually .. CHRISTLY???

        think a moment .. a PATRIARCHAL institution abuses power .. influence .. and murders, maims, tortures many UNDER ITS ‘insignia’ … forcing conversion .. hell, it built itself on these very tenets!!! to get into seats of power .. to make itself BIG and powerful .. ruling the masses, and look at its ARCHAIC HIERARCHY! what’s changed there .. what will change .. ever??? unless you stop paying into and supporting it. camosy and rock chalk .. no matter how artfully studious in their arguments .. are delusional if they believe the RCC will ever come CLEAN .. on the truth about its .. desire. infected starter for the bread TELLS US WHAT ABOUT ITS ID?

        who is rock chalk that he pays into, supports and votes into office those who support a misogynist? and that? just a starting point! can female trust these men?

        the answer? NO, NEVER ..

        ya see, attacking what ..once again.. to try to make itself look .. pure? holy? trustworthy? RACIST, BIGOTED journalists .. with a bog full of death and destruction they try to sell to you as a house that you will be safe? do not be conned by any of it. one does not need capital punishment to strengthen a society in truth, and it does NOT need ignorant, disingenuous religionists .. TELLING you what to think! remove them .. from your files and seek .. an identity that speaks ..

        in the Tongues of God’s most HEAVENLY Angels 🙂

  12. opheliart permalink

    *sigh* .. must we spell this out for you?

    take the Roman Catholic Church and examine its tenants .. against its behavior. see any contradiction? hypocrisy? and where in its history has it shown itself to be of genuine merit? abusing children so vast a crime .. committing sex crimes on women and children epidemic ..and CANONIZING men who abused, murdered and maimed .. forced conversion on innocent villagers (your pope Fran is guilty of such a despicable .. FACT.. in this desperate attempt to mask the truth of this illicit deed with religious idolatry)

    one cannot help but ask:

    are people going in to that institution to take advantage of certain freedoms-reputations-title- money .. innocent peoples??? to get at your children your wives and those struggling in dysfunctional environments? one might expect that bad behavior from secxuralists denying TRUTH that know not {this} and the importance of consistency and trust .. and is not able to tell who-what cannot be trusted .. as they seem not to have the ability to discern .. evil from good. they take and use everything to satisfy their … whatever. and why deny female a voice, keep her silenced? and what of those innocents going in and becoming victims only to end up victimizing others?

    the depth of the sickness is deep … so very deep, if one truly had eyes to see and ears to hear one wouldn’t go near such a sickness. why take a chance at losing everything you hold dear? why trust desperate men of serial religious conviction?

    and they are desperate .. here’s what they do ..

    create catastrophe. they create a desperate society .. one they manipulate to be and become DEPENDENT on them. they keep them ignorant, and those who know it, what it does, are disingenuous .. continue in that ‘lust’ for his/their own .. entity .. their own weaseling successes. like sex-traffickers know it’s an illegal act, but don’t care about who they injure or how they create such a desperate and sick society .. they care only about the power, the money .. the prestige, and in the case of the roman pontiff .. serving a serial religion, and hiding its heinous crimes, protecting its image. these men of the serial institution .. use people ..

    to gain and maintain power. Roman Catholicism is dying .. this is FACT. the scandals so vast, the hypocrisy so vast .. the abuse and misuse of funds .. an epidemic .. people are leaving in droves .. so what must its pontiff, its institution .. do? it has to find some way to keep the poor in its firm grip .. it must have many, many people dependent on it .. or it cannot survive. its lifestyle .. the lifestyle of the hierarchy is too big and too lavish and too .. self-centered .. its theology too fat .. it needs money and it must have influence .. over you, your politics and your .. thought.

    the immigration situation is ripe for its taking .. except for one very important piece of information that news outlets all over the world deny to you…


    • opheliart permalink

      abortion .. what’s it to Roman Catholic hierarchy? they aren’t the ones having to care for the child. they expect you pay not just the child’s needs .. but also their needs. hmm .. wow, huh?? but without droves of desperate women with children .. who-what are they? where would IT be? the Roman Catholic Church absolutely must have large numbers .. with most dependent on it in some way. and those getting rich from it .. look what these are, and where these … roost? hmm .. wow, huh? but that’s not even the worst of it .. female is degraded, down graded .. this is a necessity in order to keep her from speaking at any level of proficiency .. to influence people to stop the systemic abuse. one very recent example is their roman pontiff inviting the idea of married priests to its roster .. but not one word about inviting married nuns .. married sisters? hmm .. wow, huh?

      the list is long .. and CAMOSY and ROCKCHALK and so many others at RNs ..want you to believe you should not just listen to what they say .. but also PAY for their interests.

      at some point that Old Wine Bag bursts …

      • opheliart permalink

        hey guys .. here’s a piece of news you should pay strict attention to:

        Matthew 7:21-23

        21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

        22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

        23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

  13. opheliart permalink

    won’t matter .. the socialists will squash the democratic party into its own mold .. for its own power-hungry interests ..

    they will lie, cheat .. use and misuse for their arrogant regime. as we stated before, AMERICA will be split. the hog washing will continue until it gets its due. and will the roman fat Catholic Church be blamed .. it and its poster pop-up pope Fran?


    and what of the jew? 😮

      • opheliart permalink

        so did the jew post religious right .. white supremacists? was this his way of hiding the fact that his party (the democratic party) was THE party of racism (haters of blacks?) for a loooong time? why the untruths? who started the attack on christians and christianity .. the jew .. the liberal-left (also the jew?) .. or the atheist (also the jew?)?

        at religious news .. there is a biiiiiiig misreading going on .. and I always say .. you get back what you put out. one does not have to agree with religious right doctrine to know these are not haters of people of color (blacks and ..) as a BODY of believers (the majority), nor does this constituency believe the black man a lesser being ..

        unlike the democratic party’s roman pontiff/and the Roman Catholic institution .. believing FEMALE a lesser being. talk about RACISM! there may be misogyny in the religious right, but of course, it is very clear WHERE this indecency started ..

        THE Roman Catholic Church . so why isn’t religious news pointing out this.. very racist Industry as something to discuss and .. remove? something not deserving of your mina? because it panders to a misogynist pontiff, his political puppet, pope Fran. businesses affiliated with religion and politics dependent on donations to survive ..

        pander to whatever provides the paycheck. and it only takes a misleading faction of bigots and deniers to ruin the business ethic, drawing in likeminded bigots, racists and deniers misleading its readers ..

        how media is so forcing of its doctrine is something to investigate and warn people about.

  14. opheliart permalink

    Black men raping White women: BJS’s Table 42 problem

    if you can follow this ..

    where are the statistics on number of white prison guards/workers/wardens verses black guards/workers/wardens? is one to assume the black prisoners raped were raped by white men?

    • opheliart permalink

      “Trump brings out the prosecutor in Weld, who wants to build his campaign on rule of law, abroad and at home.”


      this is interesting considering laws are being broken at the border. and look at the numbers on crime in our cities and towns .. the attacks .. abuse of power .. heath and medicine, scientific, political and religious fields .. not to mention ..


      sooooo where does weld live that he should be in denial on these FACTS? someone must educate the two Harvard degree politicians on where the money is … and where it is a waste. those who break laws cost the American taxpayer a hell ..

      of a lot of money, and taxes get raised to suit the ideal of the lawless .. a gimme-gimme crowd of irresponsibility and lack of accountability?

      what should be the first to go .. besides patriarchal religious?

      • opheliart permalink

        you following ‘me’ .. as I warn you about your communities and the safety and protection of your friends and family? or are you living in DENIAL .. for political-RELIGIOUS quest??? votes and formula ..


  15. opheliart permalink

    mo day … monday..

    comments from

    Marc Jay Johnson • 4 minutes ago
    The article tells us nothing about the monster who perpetrated this, why he did it, what he used… it will take awhile for investigation to reveal that.
    Don’t know a thing about most victims… are they even anything but statistics in this era?
    I have to agree with Stephen Miller about Shannon Watts – to be dancing in the blood hooting out prerecorded political gibberish is nothing less than ghoulish.
    Guess waiting for facts is so passee…

    •Reply•Share ›
    keithpridgeon • 6 hours ago
    How’s those restrictive firearms laws working out California?
    •Reply•Share ›
    Inland42 keithpridgeon • a few seconds ago
    They still haven’t closed the “gun ownership loophole”

    •Reply•Share ›
    RhodeVette keithpridgeon • 3 hours ago
    It has been my observation that these shootings usually occur when the Marxist Progressives are having a bad week.
    Last week was worse than some as Mueller flamed out, Trump got money for the wall, the GDP had good numbers and ‘the squad’ is shooting inside the ship.
    Just an observation, for what it is worth.
    •Reply•Share ›
    podunk1 RhodeVette • 2 hours ago
    If we’d look at the movies & kid shows & TV, we might recognize the endless violence & trash pumped into our “posterity”. Spiderman, Joey, Disney, etc., near zero reality, no real moral of the story…
    •Reply•Share ›
    Robert Knox keithpridgeon • 4 hours ago
    Well said, see my reply to the person who replied to you.
    •Reply•Share ›
    Joseph Longfellow keithpridgeon • 4 hours ago
    POS… A 6 year old boy just got shot and that is what you say.

    •Reply•Share ›
    Robert Knox Joseph Longfellow • 4 hours ago
    No, that is a VERY GOOD POINT. The 6 year old boy was killed in a victim disarmament zone courtesy of power-mad Democrats who seek to disarm law abiding citizens who might stand in the way of their desire to control us all.

    If Democrats were serious about doing things properly, they’d try to change the constitution the right way. Since the Equal Rights Amendment was defeated, however, they decided they couldn’t win doing things the right way, and worked through the courts to impose laws by fiat. Even liberals admit that Roe v Wade was decided on ridiculous grounds and touched off a low-grade civil war to boot. We were heading towards a messy compromise, but that wasn’t good enough for liberals, they wanted a short cut and they got it.

    In like manner, gay marriage didn’t get in by the word of the voters, it was another SCOTUS coup.

    The last part of “Two Realities”… explains the total mess that would result if they continue to mess with this.

    That is what they’re planning to do to gun rights.

    I use the term “gun nuts” to indicate the seriousness of the threat. We will have to be focused, on guard, uncompromising, and just plain nuts about guns or they will take our rights away one “common sense” change at a time.

    That’s what liberals do. If you aren’t serious to the point of being obsessed with protecting your rights, you will lose them. Welcome to the world of gun nuts! You have nothing to lose but your rights.

    “The Long-Departed Gun Control Train” at… shows why no gun owner can trust Democrats no matter what they say. It also gives some quotes which show that their ultimate objective is confiscation.… is a list of politicians’ quotes in favor of confiscating guns.

    “Why Would Anyone Trust the Government?” at… lists a large number of Democrat lies which make it clear that we can’t trust anything those people tell us.
    •Reply•Share ›
    curmudgeon VN Veteran Robert Knox • an hour ago
    Excellent as usual Robert!

    •Reply•Share ›
    Joseph Longfellow Robert Knox • 4 hours ago …. Haha… You are dismissed

    •Reply•Share ›
    mhubb2856 Joseph Longfellow • 3 hours ago
    can’t deal with The Simple Truth??
    seems so….
    •Reply•Share ›
    kahnkeller mhubb2856 • 2 hours ago
    …you are an olympic gold simple mind…..
    •Reply•Share ›
    Marty Kirkpatrick Joseph Longfellow • an hour ago
    Okay, regardless of your are not the “DISMISSER” on this thread..Lol
    •Reply•Share ›
    curmudgeon VN Veteran Joseph Longfellow • 44 minutes ago
    You have been schlonged again Skippy!
    •Reply•Share ›
    Karen Georgia Joseph Longfellow • 2 hours ago
    Since the beginning of 2012 over 250 children, age 14 and younger, have been murdered by gangs in Chicago, and it’s only gotten worse. Children as young as four, five and six, but you never hear any National outcry for these kids.

    What about the mother in Georgia who was taking her newborn for a stroll when she was approached by two black men who demanded money from her. When she had nothing to give them, they murdered her infant in cold blood right in front of her! It made the news, and they eventually caught the men. End of story, but if they were white men there would be screams of racism from one end of the country to the next!

    Now, who’s the POS, here?
    •Reply•Share ›
    John Patriot Joseph Longfellow • 2 hours ago
    “Somebody did something to somebody”


    sometimes it is the case that people from disquieted, corrupt, terror-ridden .. zones ..

    are callous and insincere in their ‘quoted’ concern for the victims of disquieted, callous and terror-ridden zones ..

    in secret .. Lord knows what [they] really think about .. you/s.

    • opheliart permalink

      was thinking about attending a yo-yo show at a library in my area .. need a break from the Heat.

      is it Safe? is it Secure???

      who knows who the gunman is/was at that garlic fest? they say there is another on the run. raise your hand O Class if you .. think .. the gunman is a mentally ill youth? ok, now let’s have a show of hands if you think .. he/they are guaranteed a free choice ENVIRONMENT under the constitution of the liberal-left .. Hispanic-islamist-catholic-jewish faction? IOW, freedom to do as they believe in a democratic-socialist identity?

  16. opheliart permalink–-baltimore-mistreated-by-elected-dems-residents-deserve-better/ar-AAF0Mx4?li=BBnb7Kz

    simple enough to look closely at the evidence .. true or false on the questions ?

    I just watched something recently about Baltimore .. and the city’s very serious problems ..did I post it? can’t recall. but the facts state .. there are numerous articles/reports out on the situation in the city of Baltimore, including its corruption in the political venue. even people living there tell me .. it’s bad. not that they hate their city .. but that housing and crime .. low income, the political corruption .. the list is long.. it is really bad.

    if it’s a democrat-controlled city .. and the democrat cannot help one of its own .. cities .. how in its hypocritical hell can it help tens of thousands of immigrants ? of course, we have asked this question so many times .. with no response of anything Intelligent ..

    one is met with name calling and attacks. one is labeled RACIST, RACIST … RACIST!


    • opheliart permalink

      and lizzie borden and systerical sanders want you to pay for their muck-up delivery ??? ;O

      • opheliart permalink

        allow us to remind you of one of [their] deliveries ..

        In the 1960s the Democratic Party changed its strategy for dealing with African Americans. Thanks to earlier Republican initiatives on civil rights, blatant racial oppression was no longer a viable political option. Whereas before that time Southern Democrats had overtly and proudly segregated and terrorized blacks, the national Democratic Party decided instead to be more subtle and get them as dependent on government as possible. As LBJ so elegantly put it (in a famous moment of candor that was recorded for posterity), “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” At the same time, the Democrats started a persistent campaign of lies and innuendo, falsely equating any opposition to their welfare state with racism.

  17. opheliart permalink

    are the Dems going to have to face that REALITY .. Baltimore and other democrat-controlled cities in peril? yup, and here’s the kicker .. the socialist already has his foot in the door .. in Baltimore. not MARYLAND, but Baltimore, as he often does in most struggling cities. this is where-how he gets his way .. out with the old democrat .. in with .. his own industry. he will blame the democrat for its poor leadership in Baltimore and Chicago and elsewhere ..

    and would he be wrong???

    Elijah Cummings should be sad and ashamed .. but somehow he can’t admit his failure? the failure of the democrat and its political AND RELIGIOUS leadership? trust me when I say .. I was seriously looking (looking closely) at sanders and stein (more stein) that last election .. so, I get it, folks .. but it just doesn’t pan out ..

    more on that later.

    • opheliart permalink

      just want to say one last thingy today .. and the trumpavangelicks won’t like it one bit ..

      if you do not get him off that stage as president (forced resignation sound like a plan?).. something will take you, the republican, clear off your dying Planet.

      are ya listening ? can you HEAR that drum beat?

      • opheliart permalink

        James Rudin has an opinion pc @RNs ..

        here is a comment to it:

        Jyll Nocel • 6 minutes ago
        Do White children deserve to have a future?

        Tens of millions of non-Whites flooding into White countries every year will, in a few decades, mean that Whites will be a minority in every country they founded.

        Black countries will remain majority Black, and Asian countries will remain majority Asian. Only White countries will be affected by this.

        This is White Genocide under international law.

        But anti-Whites don’t call it genocide; they call it diversity.

        Diversity means chasing down every last White child.

        Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.


        let’s change the wording a bit, shall we?

        Do jews deserve to have a future?

        shall we continue reword the response?

        I did not read the opinion pc, but I know what it says … and I know what Rudin thinks I should do .. as if ..I, in some way, caused the history of men to be so profoundly .. ignorant .. and arrogant, insisting I should abide by his laws .. laws that kept me from .. spreading my wings. it was Man who created the Disease … not Me. it was religions like judaism .. and other PATRIARCHAL religious tribes that set the stage for abuse …

        of female and others, others not like … HIM. do you think the jew should be the one to …

        own up to the creation of that Disease? it was his ancestry that caused the misogyny and the ..

        arrogance of religious industry .. wasn’t it? he claims to be the CHOSEN of that god .. so don’t you/s believe it should be his responsibility ..

        not my responsibility???

  18. opheliart permalink

    watched one half episode of COLUMBO and had to quit .. the commercials, and the goofy acting. I was looking forward to the Columbo of my youth .. wondered if I’d feel the same about it so many years later. not sure about Columbo himself because .. too much to get through to get to the good stuff, what I remember about it—what I liked. anyhow, I thought I was done for the day .. figured I’d read a bit .. been so very busy I have been too tired to read all the books on my nightstand, and there are many.


    laughed out loud. I will post it here and help you/s understand what’s what. where you see ‘ * ‘ you read my thoughts.


    The science of climate is not the real issue; the real issue is power (Derek goes on to use popcorn, butter and salt .. page 102 under THE DOOMSDAY CULT if you want to follow along).

    Simply trying to sell government control over nearly every aspect of our lives is going to be met with as much enthusiasm as a fart in an elevator; it has to be packaged in a way people will accept it, give into it. The destruction of the planet is a bit dramatic, but it’s also the perfect mechanism because it can’t be disproved.

    Most people aren’t scientists, and they don’t understand science. They do, however, understand, or at least believe, that scientists are truth seekers (little do they realize that they are, more often than anyone would like to admit, grant seekers) *I think of Grant in the first Jurassic Park .. heck, for another 3 yrs funding on his big dig .. what did he get himself into?, so when they say something, people assume that they’ve done the work to back up their claims. *how did Jurassic Park work out for the truth seeker?

    But their claims are not, in fact, findings of truth; they are predictions about the future—wild speculations, really. The people who can’t tell what weather will be like this weekend are pinky-swearing that they know what will happen long after everyone is currently dead. They don’t.
    *consider the same mindset determined what created man and held man to tenets of religious and spiritual .. profundity 😉

    But that doesn’t matter, really, because if you question their methods, they remind you that weather is not climate and climate is not weather. * wasn’t it bad weather that created that shit storm in Jurassic Park that got so many people killed? starting with the bloodsucking lawyer on the pot? but maybe he wasn’t the first to go … Question anything beyond that, and, if liberals have their way, you may end up in jail.

    *Derek quotes Jerry Brown..then, If there’s one term that would define the Democratic Party on the issue of global warming, it’s “settled science.” *like Dr. Woo exclaiming that all the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park have been genetically engineered to be female, to avoid any unsanctioned breeding? how’d that work out for the Jurassic Park .. ‘engineers’?

    • opheliart permalink

      it makes me weep to think of all the brainwashing and waxing that’s gone on .. for so long; one, the industry of the lobotomy. medical science was so sure of itself .. SETTLED SCIENCE? some victims merely struggling with the dereliction of mankind in his cults .. only to loose everything. it was like a forced conversion, wasn’t it? man overpowering women .. science cults overpowering .. everyone? well, not everyone .. but those who wanted to speak out against it were .. traumatized. the liberal thinks himself so … intellectually honest and .. scientifically correct, but he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know … right? same as the infallible fallible Roman Catholic Church and all those paying into and supporting what reeks of rotting flesh .. just for a few years of funding his obsessive .. interests.

      • opheliart permalink

        what is headed your way .. you did not see coming.

  19. opheliart permalink

    “Anyone took the walk we took around this neighborhood would not think you’re in a wealthy nation. You would think you were in a third world country.”– Bernie Sanders on the city of Baltimore.

    ouch, that’s gotta hurt … no? oh, wait .. he wasn’t talking about the blacks .. was he? hmm .. so how did it get turned around …?

    didn’t see that coming, did ya .. Democrat? or should we say .. Socialist?

    • opheliart permalink

      gun sale .. to garlic festival shooter

      kenneth1 hour ago
      we need to pass a law to make sure these kind of people go through a federal background check, oh wait.–yahoo


      oh, yes .. looks like the democrat is tripping over his own lawlessness .. or should we just call it hypocrisy in democracy? would it be racist to do a background check on an Iranian Italian american, but not an undocumented ………………….or someone of color? someone of a religion and or country with a history of violence, and human rights violations?

      hmm ..
      and I read that the democrats were calling the shooter a trump supporter .. but the comment stated that his fbk page said he was a registered democrat. .. huh. SETTLED SCIENCE?

      • opheliart permalink

        haven’t heard from the jew on these accusations .. yet. so how might he twist the .. story to suit his political agenda?

  20. opheliart permalink

    TUES …
    hey everyone! did you read the headline news? Hollywood is upset about the death of people at the garlic fest! get angry, they say ..


    to our youth.

    • opheliart permalink

      and I was just about to say .. a set of mental health scientists/specialists would enter the scene with graphs and percentages and royal wedding determinators .. to lash out at those who are angry at Hollywood for feeding such violence to its inmates .. and its mediocrity of fellowship, to condemn and ostracize those who speak out about the horror.

      to tell their World how wrong these few people are who see that writing on the wall. they will create boards and panels to slap down those who call out the hypocrisy. the Roman Catholic Church had its .. operatives to keep professional priests on the dole and serving their lifestyles, and active in catholic ministry.


      Joseph Jaglowicz David Allen • 7 hours ago
      This news article mentions Edwin O’Brien, former archbishop of Baltimore and previously head of the U.S. military archdiocese. It was O’Brien who tried to get Rev. Thomas Doyle removed from his chaplaincy in the USAF (all chaplains, regardless of religious affiliation, must be “endorsed” by their faith community). See the following link for background information:….

      This article does not mention the name of psychiatrist Richard Fitzgibbons who supported Opus Bono Sacerdotii. It was Fitzgibbons who, several years ago, gave the OK to Robert Finn, then bishop of Kansas City, MO, to keep prevert cleric Shawn Ratigan in Catholic ministry (Francis has since fired Bishop Finn, one of the most traditional hierarchs in the U.S. Catholic Church, and Ratigan, as I recall, is serving a lifetime sentence in federal prison). At one time, Dr. Fitzgibbons had posted his qualifications. online. He did not claim professional board certification with the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. On the other hand, Dr. Fitzgibbons was a board member of NARTH, a group of physicians, psychologists, et al who endorse so-called “reparative therapy”, a practice condemned by mainline healthcare membership organizations. For more information from the Kansas City Star about Dr. Fitzgibbons and his association with the Finn/Ratigan fiasco, see….

      What all of these people (including Raymond Burke also mentioned in the article) had in common was a willingness to jeopardize children’s safety in order to *protect Holy Mother Church from scandal*.

      “Birds of a feather flock together.”–@RNs

      • opheliart permalink

        jacko wants to make this a strictly ‘conservative’ issue, but we KNOW BETTER.

        look at the lies .. and where-how they demonize.

  21. opheliart permalink

    trying to defend pop-up Fran .. but look at how consistent he is in HIS confusion and contradiction. does the word HYPOCRISY mean nothing to the romanist? or the catholic of .. insular knowledge and understanding??? what political people in the pockets of their/its party. shame ………

    these are victims, Hollywood, stop playing cop and start paying attention to your own negligence and poor SPIRITUAL HEALTH!

    • opheliart permalink

      from which religions .. political parties .. PLEASE!

      and isn’t Chicago a DEMOCRAT-CONTROLLED CITY?

      • opheliart permalink

        White suburban evangelicals are plentiful, and they are active. That’s a potent mix.–Ryan Burge@RNs ..


        is this a RACIST comment? let’s reword his .. statement ..

        BLACK suburban evangelicals are plentiful, and they are active. That’s a potent mix.

        where does R-fucking S .. get these people?!!! call in the NATIONAL GUARD!!! we have a fracking terrorist on our hands!


  22. opheliart permalink

    good grief .. what to do with the insidious design of .. journalistic .. interest? should government ban freedom of .. speech like in COMMUNISM ..

    oh .. please TELL THAT to Roman Catholic JESUIT-ism.

    • opheliart permalink

      gee, how does it spread? ask the democrat .. he knows E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G .. remember folks,


      • opheliart permalink

        CDC is responsible for controlling the introduction and spread of infectious diseases, and provides consultation and assistance to other nations and international agencies to assist in improving their disease prevention and control, environmental health, and health promotion activities.

        so what happen ed ..demogods?

  23. opheliart permalink

    A fly that interrupted his speech was working under the orders of priests, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte joked Tuesday, as he launched a new verbal attack on the country’s influential Catholic church.–AFP

    absolutely .. hysterical 😀 ..

    a fly that interrupted his speech was working under the orders of the priests ..

    wouldn’t you be shocked to know that SPIRIT moves in mysterious ways.

    did not say which SPIRIT .. as there is good and there is ..evil. ohhh what that ‘settled science’ does not care to know ……. *sigh*

    do you recall the crow attacking the dove .. at your pontiff’s first .. declaration of .. what was it again?


  24. opheliart permalink

    and liberal-left says trump is the one inciting hate? where was this news on the VA lawmaker and his rants? how can anyone .. today .. think the political religious muslim is NOT engaging an ISLAMIC AGENDA in America? how???

    • opheliart permalink

      and what of those currently in america who are related to their prophet Muhammad (many wives, many child brides .. many, many kids?).. should they pay others for his treatment of those he hated .. (some were his own slaves)? should we be concerned that those people in america wishing to be like Muhammad .. will band together to terrorize and enslave those not in agreement with islamic .. interest?

      the liberal-left thinks it can control the masses .. by name calling, stereotyping and slander .. boy, he has absolutely no clue what he is in for.

      • opheliart permalink

        CNN .. ran a story with the headline “Transgender Man gives Birth to a Boy”

        Here’s a refresher for anyone who hasn’t been in a biology class for a while: men cannot give birth; men don’t have the equipment to carry a child, and the birth would be essentially like driving a semi truck through a garden hose. It wouldn’t be pretty. But believing that a man is what a man has always been is not allowed anymore. The science is denied, if you will. —Derek Hunter, The Party of Science .. OUTRAGE, INC.

        so why do we post this as a reply to the MARKETWATCH news article? how do we know the democrat isn’t using two, three or more identities to ..

        vote? how do we know the liberal-left hasn’t created a ‘new’ race to attack his opponent? a make believe race .. a race more victimizer than victim .. more massive than minor ..more

        illegal than legal ?

  25. opheliart permalink

    joshua7 hours ago
    How do I owe reparations when I had no relatives in this country at the time of slavery?

    ReplyReplies (125)1,00619
    Jerry7 hours ago
    I am owed reparations for having to put up with the entitlement attitude.

    ReplyReplies (38)64220
    Pi7 hours ago
    Does it not seem unusual that those who support $17.1 Trillion in reparations being paid also support keeping Affirmative Action and other discriminatory programs in place after the payment?

    ReplyReplies (29)56522
    hoosierdaddy7 hours ago
    This kind of talk will keep Republicans in power for 1000 years !

    ReplyReplies (48)1,09024
    Gary7 hours ago
    Start collecting from the west Africans.
    The ancestors of west Africans enslaved and sold the future slaves. Their ancestors became wealthy from the slave trade. Many of the old slave forts/ports are still standing.
    Demand the 100 to 500 billion dollars from the descendants of the enslavers who forced marched the future slaves to the slave ports/forts. Go to west African countries to make your reparations payment demands.

    ReplyReplies (20)34311
    Mr. Fred
    Mr. Fred7 hours ago
    My tax money has been going toward reparations, welfare, food stamps, section 8 housing, utility assistance, grants for free college, etc, ever since I’ve been working.

    ReplyReplies (7)1715
    KF7 hours ago
    How about the Feds pay their current debt to the old people still alive. That’s right, the Feds owe Social Security zillions, it’s on the books, in detail, in writing.

    ReplyReplies (7)46311
    William7 hours ago
    So I guess me being white and struggling to get by doesn’t matter. The wage gap is not what they say it is. And why should the tax payer be forced to foot a bill for something they did not do??

    ReplyReplies (20)3475
    Warren7 hours ago
    We have paid more than that easily… in welfare. When the Tyrone Williams family pays $50 a month for rent, who do you think is making up the difference? When they show up at the grocery store with food stamps? When they enroll in medicaid?

    ReplyReplies (7)19011
    Tim7 hours ago
    Let’s discuss some real issues, like crumbling cities that Dems have ran into the ground with handouts and liberal agendas. —yahoo


    did not watch any debate .. too much fluff. lies follow their promises land. who was in the audience that would applaud reparations for blacks this DAY? AMERICA speaks differently ..

    it is true what so many say, democrat and republican .. the SOCIALIST CROWD IS HANDING THAT PRESIDENTIAL SEAT TO THE REPUBLICAN. not one person I know, liberal ..and liberal-leaning believes blacks should be given what guru Marianne insists should be law. not one.

    what it comes down to, as any SENSIBLE LAWMAKER SHOULD KNOW .. where are your communities??? what’s going on in those communities? what are the most serious problems, black and white and tan and blue and orange and ..

    to pedestal a race, hang a sign on it/them and the .. ‘other’, labeling .. is disastrous for everyone .. involved. I WILL NOT BE INVOLVED .. I DO NOT SEEK THEIR DISASTERs.

    • opheliart permalink


      what’s in it for the religionists like medallion Marianne ???

      • opheliart permalink

        Bobby6 hours ago
        Do these people realize that global warming and climate change are different concerns? Climate change has been occurring on earth for millions of years, even before the industrial revolution and even before cars. There is very little we can do about it because solar cycles have a major impact in these changes. We will not know what changes nature has brought our climate for some 500 years when we can look back and see what changes are long term vs. short blips. If we have only 10 years was stated in these debates, we better all just bend over and kiss your a.. goodbye, as the saying goes.

        ReplyReplies (11)619
        mem8 hours ago
        Quotes from Earth Day 1970;
        “By…[1975] some experts feel that food shortages will have escalated the present level of world hunger and starvation into famines of unbelievable proportions. Other experts, more optimistic, think the ultimate food-population collision will not occur until the decade of the 1980s.”
        Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University biologist

        ReplyReplies (10)726
        Richard10 hours ago
        no one mentioned the google climate summit in Italy -114privare jets/36 super yachts/Maserati suv’s getting 15 mph

        ReplyReplies (22)14412
        Robert3 hours ago
        DNC Chair Perez said this after the first debate .” We need to pass a climate bill to make the economy work for everyone ” . It has absolutely nothing to do with climate and everything to do with communism .. Have a swell day ..

        ReplyReplies (4)606
        Barry6 hours ago
        Others don’t believe we’re experiencing a global warming trend at all. The annual temperature between 1998 and 2007 actually decreased, despite the 4 percent increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere during that same period. They also point out that, while the Northern Hemisphere has warmed, the Southern Hemisphere has actually cooled. “Global warming was supposed to actually be global, not hemispheric,” says skeptic — and Executive Director of the Natural Resources Stewardship Project — Tom Harris [source: Canada Free Press].

        These same skeptics find fault in the historical data used to graph things like glacial loss and hurricane frequency. Although weather data, like temperature, have been actively collected since 1850, it wasn’t until the relatively recent access to detailed weather satellite photography that scientists were able to see changes in the Greenland ice shelf that global warming believers say is in such danger. Skeptics ask: How can we know how long it’s been receding?

        ReplyReplies (4)486
        Granville6 hours ago
        Climate change as a political item is grossly over included as a major issue in determining who you will vote for. Yes, we already have put controls and restriction on things that can contribute to environmental decline, but Mother Nature has the final say in the overall major factors that control major Climate change, not mankind to anywhere near Mother Natures effect. Climate change is a bogus issue in a political campaign.

        ReplyReplies (3)565
        Vladimir A. Comrade
        Vladimir A. Comrade9 hours ago
        Did they decide on the temp they’ve chosen to set the earth’s thermostat? Asking for a friend.

        ReplyReplies (9)11310
        daveh9 hours ago
        World population is 7.5B, US population is 330M (~4% of World)….Western countries emissions go down while China, India and 2nd/3rd world countries increase emissions….What can US internal policy do to affect the outcome when the US is such a small portion of emissions and in a downward trend already?…On a personal note, I planted 10 trees on my property 10 years ago and they look great converting CO2 into O2, so refreshing!

        ReplyReplies (14)1054
        James5 hours ago
        So now its a “climate crisis” I wonder what they will call it closer to election time

        ReplyReplies (3)12
        Barry6 hours ago
        The reason I didn’t want to watch the Democrat (debates) is that I still wanted to have my TV in one piece when I went to bed tonight….

        lol ..some of these are funny.

  26. opheliart permalink

    they do not know much about it

    so how can the democratic base, mostly shoving fascist ideal in the voter’s face, convince a nation it must change its ways? any honest lawmaker would have detailed information on where and why his own are not changing their habits, and once this is out there and understood .. then he can address his opponent intelligently and responsibly. instead ..they bark at the tree like it’s going to produce apples… ripe, clean .. perfect apples, no spots .. no blemishes, no insects .. but any honest farmer will tell you to get bushels and bushels of apples to look the way the democrat insists they must look … and taste .. to sell to the public ..never grew a tree .. and never harvested apples to sell to either party of nationalists.

    same with the green deal for their lawns .. which lawmaker is using pesticides? which of the democratic and socialist supporter is using pesticides .. chemicals that destroy our midst valuable ..


    WE do not use pesticides/chemicals on our lawn or our fruit trees. never did .. never will. if I must remove most of the lawn .. I will .. to create sanctuaries for our pollinators and our lovely bird population. I try .. to do what is safest for ALL, and this must include the wildlife, pets .. bees, butterflies, birds .. and ..

    and please keep that darn cat out of my yard! ah, will be moving soon ……

  27. opheliart permalink

    wow … so let the story leak .. that people will hopefully think before ruining the lives of others. they may not care about them, but they may consider the consequences of the crime.

    • opheliart permalink

      been watching the “dodge the ball” incident to unfold to see what is the truth in the matter .. parents say the only thing their boy is guilty of is being a black? seriously .. what it says ..

      -JJ-3 hours ago
      From another article: “The boys were actually playing a game called Tips in which a rubber ball similar to a dodgeball is used, but does NOT involve throwing the ball at players. After the game was over, the 10 year old took the ball and threw it at the 9 year old, hitting the child in the face. That child suffered a concussion…”

      But ya, no spin here. The media is such a disgrace. Just hype everyone up and divide to drive profit and their own agenda.–yahoo


      what type of kid aims for the face ?

      boxers .. if talking sports. but a child in a school setting should not fear that his face will get whacked by an abusive player! the abuser must learn that it is wrong to do that. but what is the RACIST COMMENTARY AND ITS POLITICAL INDUSTRY SPOUTING ?

      man up, kid .. you suck? you fucking whimp you!!! excuse me, folks, while I call out your hypocrisy!

      last I checked .. it was ALL ABOUT DIFFERENCES .. BEING DIFFERENT is pro bono .. or some such thing. if the boy has a physical problem or is in some way disabled? only BLACKS ARE FREE TO ABUSE DISABLED .. DIFFERENT PEOPLE AND THOSE WEARING A POLICE UNIFORM?


      oh, wait ..we saw that twice now in the news and one man actually died because the black kids thought it fucking funny that the man DROWNED!

      what a disgrace !

      BLM .. do what you must, but do not EVER expect ME to pay for it ..

      • opheliart permalink

        if this is the way you want to live ..stay the hell away from ME and those I am interested in .. working with!

        destroy yourselves how you see fit, but leave me out of your incivility.

  28. opheliart permalink

    EVERY AMERICAN .. do yourselves and your children and grandchildren a HUGE favor..

    find out THE FACTS about what happened in that game .. of “dodge the ball” .. who is lying and who is telling the truth ? if you do not speak now .. about your findings..

    you may NEVER be allowed to speak ..


    • opheliart permalink

      truly frightening what some .. too many ..believe AND PRACTICE! my oldest has a cochlear implant .. head trauma .. not a good. tough as nails on the ball field .. let me tell you .. I know because I was doing some of the coaching. when she was in preschool a child pushed her and she fell, hitting her head. the teacher called me immediately! thankfully it was not serious .. but .. to attack and demonize and try to diminish and destroy her .. ? seriously? your society is a disgrace ..

      interestingly .. that preschool teacher is an orthodox christian. bet you don’t hear that often enough.

      • opheliart permalink

        gilli-brand should go to the streets of Chicago .. and hang out .. for a taste of her mediocrity. no doubt there’s a gun problem .. no doubt people of every class, color, religion and .. misuse guns .. and knives and strangling devices .. ands cars and drugs and alcohol and .. hey, guys what ..

        male privilege .. black and white? 😮

        thinking about attacks on female .. democrat, socialist .. whatever. and sex crimes and abuse on of children .. in all categories so …

        it’s unrealistic to pay too much attention to partisan preachers preaching class struggle while sitting in a class full of privileged political pandering .. puppets.

  29. opheliart permalink

    WE have been trying to warn people about this for a while .. and ..

    still they voted for MONSANTO HILLARY! one can also link other political people, right and left to it .. but will they?

  30. opheliart permalink

    trump says things people do not like .. much like lots of politicians ..

    liberal-left socialists .. physically attack. are these violators worse than trump? wearing a hat that says MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN isn’t a bad thing .. is it? one may not believe that America has ever been .. great, with the hope that one day America will be on the road to performing better, but which group is becoming increasingly hostile .. and getting away with it .. all because of a hat? or because of differing sides .. in that political struggle? RNs’s writers don’t find this alarming? I mean .. they often write about the RACIST attacking people wearing religious and ethnic clothing ..

    but never ever get around to mentioning their own RACIST behavior?

    • opheliart permalink

      more important than garb and religious ritual .. ? how does a couple beat a child ..

      to Death? my God ..

      WE need to take matters into OUR OWN IMPARTIAL HANDS .. and get out youth into a better place.

      you know I am for the protection of the environment .. SPIR is filled with my sharing on this .. what is more of a danger, a threat .. a crisis?

      the youth.

      • opheliart permalink

        and mark silk is attacking Barr on the matter of the death penalty?

        Americans and foreigners alike take life when and where it suits them, often in a fit of .. deliriousness .. hate, mental deficiency, while drugged, intoxicated .. by way of religious and political tenets. life in the womb is destroyed for some of the most .. petty reasons: “it’s in the way of my fun”

        but thankfully, Spirit with the Unborn moves on to new life.

        people who receive a death sentence do so by way of their own choosing. you kill, under the serial political and religious institutions, you may be killed. you lived according to the flesh .. you die according to the flesh. we are talking about .. making choices to live or to die .. in WHAT Name. Christ in Light of Truth understands that a being in Love with {this} [what lives within] cannot choose murder .. death of another .. in good Faith. it is a bleeding of the Soul. who is not guilty ? the chemicals you used in your yard .. did these attack your neighbor, causing him cancer, costing him his life? the drugs the doctor gave to your aging parent .. did it create greater problems that caused death? who is not guilty ? you voted for men and women who issue death warrants to people near and far .. because murder is your problem solver? who is not guilty? should the shoe be on the other foot ..

        where would you .. be?

        people who commit heinous crimes are deranged individuals. as a Body in Christ we are not deranged. we understand the murderer is already dead. two deals do not make a good wife.

        man does not ‘know’ the Word of the Living in Christ.

        efforts must be spent rooting out the sickness that society breeds/breathes.

  31. opheliart permalink

    regarding ‘Barr’s’ reinstatement of the death penalty .. I am/have been .. hearing treasonous activity. could this be the reason for bringing up the topic of the death penalty?

    • opheliart permalink

      political banners at sports events

      David11 hours ago
      As long as this policy (no political signage) is enforced uniformly I see nothing wrong with it.


      does that include political players with political and or religious agendas?

      and how does one remove one’s religious agenda?

      banning black tents put on women by misogynists? Amen to that! now what of those burkas in the political domain???

      • opheliart permalink

        I wonder .. is the democrat – socialist really for female rights or are they merely trumping the podium .. with a lot of grandiose histrionics ..?

        well, much like trump. they seem not to be able to discern their own bad behavior. will they attack the Islamist and the Hasidic Jew for oppressing female, for treating her as a lesser class?

        are they really true to what they say .. they believe? so far they blame the republican and the conservative and the white christian for not giving female the same rights that males receive, with same opportunities and same freedoms .. choices .. in the same manner with the same power and influence .. religiously and politically .. and they want ISLAM AND THEIR POLITICAL PUPPET, POPE FRAN, TO SET UP AN INDUSTRY that denies female the way these both denied and deny female ..

        throughout its history?

        what kind of double standard do you call that? attack people wearing MAGA hats while giving away your freedoms satisfy a false god .. a god of lies, deception ..
        abuse and misuse of power and influence (including taxpayer dollars) ..


  32. opheliart permalink

    it makes NO Sense .. what the political fascist .. demands .. in his fairy tale of a delivery.

    • opheliart permalink

      wow … and how’s that ISLAMIC UK working out for you/s? give it one more year .. and you/s will be screaming bloody murder. not a prediction.

      • opheliart permalink



        michael p
        michael p5 hours ago
        First public hearing on the “Impeachment inquiry” not impeachment

        ReplyReplies (1,340)5,232398
        Batman4 hours ago
        Impeachment INQUIRY hearing.. not IMPEACHMENT hearing.. cant you tell the truth ever??

        ReplyReplies (315)3,928444
        Mark2 hours ago
        Its an Impeachment Inquiry, not Impeachment – huge difference

        ReplyReplies (32)77149
        Jamie4 hours ago
        If it was an impeachment hearing you would think that trump would be present but of course it’s not a hearing

        ReplyReplies (17)40244
        Home Theater Guy
        Home Theater Guy4 hours ago
        To clarify, this is a public hearing on the “Impeachment inquiry” not an actual impeachment.


        “can’t you tell the TRUTH ever?”

        false teachers? they’re everywhere-they’re everywhere!

  33. opheliart permalink

    where the liberal-left wants to take Joe Biden out of the presidential race .. what’s it going to do? find the scandal on Joe and his son Hunter credible? put the rabbit out of their hat .. showing that what they did really is .. illegal? and this will essentially take the democrat out altogether. and it will be left verses the republican ..

    but where did tHE LEFT take a wrong turn?

  34. opheliart permalink

    posting this again, but under “inception of the ruse”.

    if you are scratching your head, and wondering .. frogs and curtains? being curtained? hiding what? and what’s the frog’s affliction of the deadly bd to do with Egypt, plagues and ..

    well, to start here and return to the beginning of man’s aristocracy .. bd IS undoubtedly a plague to the frog, and not just the frog. it destroys the frog’s skin .. a skin that protects and allows the frog to live in wet habitats .. not something man is able to do without serious .. illness, and likely, death. there’s an opposition of .. nutrition .. one might say .. between the frog and man. and yet, man (man’s big enterprises) has no Conscience where it comes to frogs .. and other creatures of wet habitats. he bred furiously to outnumber his ..

    opposition. and in the process .. he is killing off other creatures, those he does nOT SEE .. does not care to see. by way of certain ‘decrees’ or .. one might say, a serious misunderstanding of “go forth and multiply”. the multiplying of theWritings is referring to KNOWLEDGE, not a babbling brood of babies crying for momma’s milk .. and how often is momma run dry? dismissed and denied, and left to die? and not a growth of things and big establishments and what these demand to grow and remain bif .. at the expense of others …

    Knowledge that leads to Truth (see Samaritan woman at the well giving Jesus a drink .. that drink is an invitation to Prophesy .. which is exactly what Jesus of the Christ did/..does). .. Truth that equals Trust (yes, there should be-exist a balance .. just like there should be with man and creatures .. like frogs and such).

    the curtain/covering is to do with IMAGE .. hierarchy .. lords and kings and false prophets and anything that uses a TITLE .. to lord over you, to rule you, abuse and destroy .. Light. what blocks light but curtains .. esp thick, DARK curtains .. curtains designed to hide .. something of its interior. titles of aristocracy .. titles in religion/religious orders .. all claiming authority that often treats you as nothing but a pawn for its .. throne wars.

    hiding abuses, covering up abuses .. murder, torture .. pretending to be something you clearly are not .. at least NOT where LIGHT is permitted and where this is allowed to reign Supreme. Truth is a gift .. why deny it .. why hide evil by the crowns of men and his achievements while God is .. silenced?

    wait, says you .. frogs today are not like frogs back in the time of pharaoh.

    you think God’s wee creatures were not suffering under some of the absurdity and cruelty and carelessness and abuse (often for man’s superstitious ways) .. back in the day? hmm ..

    shall we continue ..?

      • opheliart permalink

        on the same hybrid …

        the question today should be ..
        the flu shot and other shots people receive regularly .. are these making you more vulnerable when getting one of the strains of coronavirus? are people with severe symptoms of all ages, but especially 40 on up .. getting sicker .. dangerously sicker because of these flu shots?

        is there a study/studies on the number of shots and where this puts people health wise on other illnesses? if this is shown to me to share .. there’s definitely something serious going on. I don’t take this lightly. and will repeated shots (flu) cause a break down of something necessary to fight other illnesses? similar to too much antibiotic or some other medical treatment like painkiller use .. causing the body to become addicted in such a way that it needs stronger and stronger meds.

        people will need to make decisions .. about a number of things as more information comes out. I do not get flu shots. proper hygiene and awareness is important in environments where there is a concentrated amount of people, and where illnesses are known to be present. I am also hearing that there is no vaccine for C-19 and there never will be. do we stop researching this? no, because there are things we learn along the way. the question then becomes ..

        did you learn from any of those mistakes?

  35. opheliart permalink

    Dogmatics/Dogmatists want control. I do not want control; I merely want out of your fuzzy-headed idealism.

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